
Does everyone have to serve in a volleyball game ?

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I am playing on a differant club volleyball team this year, and everthing is differant from what im used to, we play positions and everything.

on my old club team and at school we always just rotated.

But I was wondering when we play positions if everyone does serve, or if there are certian people that sserve ?

I just learned overhand serving last season, and I am not very consistant yet with it.

please dont be rude !

thanks :]




  1. Yes everyone will still get a chance to serve.  You still rotate as well but you play a certain position.  When I was in middle school we just rotated.  When I got to high school, it was the way you are playing now.  I always played middle hitter.  I may have been in rotation and in the back but I would run up and play middle hitter.  Hope this helps.

  2. yes! everyone does.. except for the one player called libero..he/she is only for defense/back liner.. just train and train and u'll certainly get it. i'm a volleyball player for only 2 yrs.. i'm already a 4th yr highschool.. my first time in serving sucks.. i'm getting embarrased with my team mates so i've train and train and train until i've mastered now the jump service.. XD i love this game!

  3. Hey. I'm in club volleyball too. I'm terrible at overhand serving. But somewhat good at everything else. Unless your coach has you being subbed out when you get to back row, chances are you're going to have to serve. Have confidence in your self, or maybe talk to your coach about just playing front row. I play middle, so I only play the front row, and get subbed out for someone who only plays back. =]

    Goodluck in your season.

  4. I play club ball too. and NO not everyone has to serve you can be subbed out before you serve like when you rotate then its your turn. if you have extra players they can be subbed in for you and you can go back in when there done and its a dead ball or depending on what position you play you can go back in for them when they get to front row or whenever. but no not everyone has to serve!!!! GooD LucK :)!!!!!

  5. liberos can't serve, and you can sub people in and out if one can serve better than the other.

  6. It depends on what postion you play and how strong your serving is. For instance if you only play front row hitter then you would most likely get subed out for the back row middle so they can serve.

    btw...a few people said that the libero cannot serve which is a total misconception. there are new rules which say that the Libero CAN serve!

  7. If you have a sub, you do not have to serve (your sub can, for you). Also, liberos have to choice whether or not to serve (at least in my state, MI)

  8. No not every one has to serve..i was on a team this year and some of the girls that weren't the best..or didn't feel comfortable with it did not serve. the coach on my team took them out before they had a chance.

  9. No not everyone has to.

    the coach could take you out when it's your turn to serve.

    Tell her you need more practice but when you're ready you'll tell her.

    Good luck !

  10. All 6 positions will serve.  However, some coaches may have some people sub in to serve and play back row.  You may be one of the 6 that serve, or your coach may sub someone in for you.  It really depends on your serve and your coach.  

    Keep working on your serve.

  11. yes everyone does, unless ur coach or leader of the team subs you out


    just keep practicing.. ull eventually get it. it just takes time

  12. Yea everyone has to serve. It's just the same thing. You still rotate except you have different positions. Unless you get taken out by your coach you probably have to serve. YOu're serving will get better with time. Hope that helped. good Luck ;)

  13. Its always in a rotation isn't it?

  14. If you are the Libro, you do not serve.  You stay at the center back.

  15. Yes, everybody serves

  16. *****congragulations on playn volleyball the sport rocks !

    i hope people arent being rude to you... Every 1 has to start sum time..

    ok... NO ..... not everybody has to serve... i no you have been getting every single answer but this is it... every 1 EXCEPT libero has the oppurtunity to serve... not everyone has to ... im like yoU a couple years ago when i was playing pipe(mb) and outside i couldnT overhand serve for my life... so everytime i would go back to serve i would be subed out .. then when it was time for me to rotate back into to front row i would do that... good luck...

    ps... practice... i am now one of the most consistent servers... good luck

  17. Not if you don't wanna. Just tell your coach, or really practice HARD! Hopefully your coach will pull you out before you serve.

  18. when you play volleyball, you always serve in the game, but if you dont want to serve during the game, just tell your coach that your serve is weak, that why your coach subed when your turned...but serve today is not the measure that you are not good in volleyball, you improve the other skills like blocking,setting, recieving,etc... later on you improve your serving.... spiking is one way of improving your serve... step by step process..... from attack line, middle and the end line.... control is very important... hope you learned my suggestion..... From....joel E..... Philippines naga city... i want to know you some day if it okey for you?....

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