
Does everyone in Ireland have a fair chance to learn?

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Such as girls having the same rights to go to school as boys?




  1. yes,it's not the 3rd world you know

    it's the second richest country in europe and we're very well economically developed

    and its the law for people to go to school,if you're out more than 20days a year you get investigated by the department of education

  2. of course they do! but boys schools generally are higher on the league tables, but who cares about those? i go to an all-girls school and we're taught just as much as the guys, only we do home economics, instead of woodwork or technical drawing, stuff like that.

  3. Of course!

  4. No. Girls must leave school at 14 in order to stay at home and cook the dinner for the men.

  5. to tell you the truth i really don't know but um i think that they do everyone should have a chance to learn in life

  6. Actually to the above answer girls do better overall in the leaving cert and junior cert!!

    Yeah girls have the same rights! We get free education right up to and including university!

    (I go to an all girls school and 1 teacher in particular is always saying how girls do better than boys!!)

  7. Yes free education and free third and fourth level fees here.

    The concept of girls not having the same right to go to school as boys does not even exist here where do you think ireland is, a region in taliban controlled afganistan?

  8. Actually girls tend to do better than boys in state exams as the results have shown us!I go to an all girls school.

    Just to let you know we have a very good education system and anyone regardless of their financial situation can go to school and college. We have one of the best education systems in the world you know. Far better than the USA. Infact we're producing               students who are amongst the highest level of 3rd level graduates in the world.

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