
Does everyone in the police academy have to be tazed and pepper sprayed?

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i live in southern california and i was just wondering b/c i thought everyone had to go through it but recently my cousin became a cop and she told me that they stopped doing that where she went but didn't tell me why. so does it vary by city or state? thanks to all who answered.




  1. In Illinois, you get sprayed in the academy with pepper spray.  The tazer however is 'administered' by the individual agency.  Some police departments here do not have tazers yet.

  2. I know in Texas in order to qualify to carry a tazer or oc spray you must be exposed to them in training but California might have different procedures.  

  3. Yes, it varies between city, state, and academy.

    In most academies they will require the cadet to be stunned, and sprayed.  

    They do this to 1) know what it feels like, and what they will be doing to the suspect, and 2) to understand that if it happens to them, there are ways to still work under these conditions.

    I am no completely sure on the Academy in your area, so can not give a location-sensitive answer.

  4. Depends on your State and Academy.  The one I went to did not require it at the Academy, but my Department did require it if your were going to carry either one of them.  It was your choice but if you did carry them your had to got through that class and see what they felt like if you got your taken away from you and used against you.  That way you know how you will react to them.

  5. yes it does differ from state to state and agency to agency. but by and large the fact is most courts regard the  use of these items by a trained professional meaning that the person understands the necessity to use them and the effects of using them .i am a correctional sgt.  

  6. it depends what academy you go into...  

  7. You have to be pepper sprayed and tear gas. There are other law enforcement agencies that use the police academy training and may waiver this training. States where tasers are illegal do not taser train.

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