
Does everyone know what they want to do as far as a career?

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I am 25 and don't have a specific thing that i am really interested in doing for a career. I went to school for Medical Billing and Insurance but I don't feel like I want to do that. I was thinking of going back for something else but am hesitant because I want to be 100% sure.




  1. I did that with Photography I love to take pic but not being told what to take. Now I want to be a Mortician

  2. I'm 29 and I'm going back to school to be a nurse practitioner.  I'm starting at the very beginning and being in pre-nursing school  

  3. My advice to you is go out and explore before you settle into one thing. College is always going to be there. But you can only live once. Take some time off and look into things that you wouldn't normally think of or wanted to but where hesitant to. There is so much out there.

    A lot of schools offer a vareity of non credit night classes. Try one. Find a hobby that you love and make it into your career. You'll be suprised I promise.

  4. college professor

    event planner


  5. im 18  , just graduated high school , and have absolutely no clue wat i want as a career to pursue , im lost right now  

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