
Does everyone originate from a common ancestor?

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Do you think that all humans share a common ancestor on Earth (Adam and Eve?) or could we all be the descendants of many different Human races that came from all over the galaxy?




  1. Heck all living organisms came from the first long-chain carbon molecule.

  2. natural selection made us into what we are. we formed from a group of early man not just one individual

  3. Well if those are the only choices i would say Adam and Eve lol But more likely all Life on earth descended from a common single celled organism a very, very, very, long time ago.

  4. Yes, genetics (DNA) indicate all alive today can trace their ancestry back to one male living 60,000 yrs ago.  The female common ancestor lived in Africa 140,000 yrs ago.  This of course doesn't mean that all other males or females died out... just that their offspring eventually lost out in the race to produce more sons or daughters. The X & Y Chromosomes are passed down to daughter or son relatively intact.  MtDNA contains only the mother's DNA whereby the Y Chromosome contains only the father's DNA.

    Life forms on Earth are too much alike for any one to have been alien... unless microbes that kicked off evolution were the aliens.

  5. Are those the only choices we get?

    Adam & Eve or aliens?

  6. If they are the only choices, I'll choose aliens, it makes more sense.

    Of course, all those scientists studying evolution and anthropology are going to be awfully upset.

  7. depends on what you believe some people believe that we came from one origin others believe we've descended from other species as for me it's all of the above if you look in any science study we all share the same gene pattern , or should i say we all have the same genetic DNA  pattern the double helix unless your of the ape family then your only 1 chromosome off

  8. There is a statistical rule that in a small population, eventually the entire population will descend from one of the women in the population. That's why small towns only have a few last names.

    There is a mitochondrial eve DNA hypothesis which traces all humans back to one woman from a small population at the beginning of our ancestry. This is based upon mitochondrial DNA sequencing. Of course it's a hypothesis, but it's relatively popular.

    Note: This is a biological anthropological hypothesis and has nothing to do with religious belief.

  9. No!

  10. Yes.  Mutation is so random that it would be impossible for it to create two unrelated life forms that were nonetheless able to mate and produce fertile offspring.  Even the few animals of different species on earth now that are able to somewhat reproduce are related (donkeys and horses; lions and tigers).

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