
Does everyone put their kids in different clubs?

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My 8 year old goes to school, and then comes home.

Nearly every parent i know outs their kids into different clubs etc, like cubs/scouts/beavers/karate etc.

what is wrong with just letting them go to school and then comming home to their parents?

am i wrong in thinking this?




  1. There is nothing wrong in thinking this, but clubs and activities help build up so many qualities in your children like to be more motivated, more disciplined, to work hard, they get a lot of friends so there's a lot of social interaction.

    My mother and I disagree when it comes to just forcing your child to do an activity he/she doesn't want to do. My mother never did that with me one was because she didn't want to waste her money and two was because she wanted me to choose activities that I know I'd be committed in doing. Most are school activities, but I love doing them.

    I picked up the flute at about the age of seven and ever since then I've been playing, I have a really nice flute teacher and I like how I find myself improving more and more. I'm also picked up the piccolo and the fife. Now I want to pick up piano and guitar. I'm in the band at school and I love it more than anything.

    As for any other activities, well I must say I do more activities during the school year. Like when I go back to school I'm going to try to clock in a lot of community service hours so I get this special chord when I graduate. You need 31 hours at least, but I want to exceed that number personally.

    Also I am part of the German club.

    I also like doing yearbook.

    I also like doing SADD which is Students Against Destructive Decisions.

    So I can see one point, there's nothing wrong with kids coming home to their parents just like there's nothing wrong with participating in different clubs and activities. I think doing at least one activity isn't going to hurt a kid, but that's just my opinion and that's up to the parents in what they want to do.  

  2. Well, they are soposed to be fun for your kid, let them try new things meet new friends, and also they can be used as babysitting for parents who work and won't be home till late. As long as the kid isn't doing like 5 different clubs on a single day they are actually soposed to be good for them.

  3. There is nothing wrong with having your children come home after school instead of attending clubs. However, most of these clubs have great qualities your child may be missing out on. Clubs create socialization that isnt monitored by a teacher. They create a sense of community and teach a child different aspects within your own commuity. Scouts teaches charity, discipline, self esteem, and gives children a sense of accomplishment. Karate teaches self control, self esteem, discipline, and a sense of fair play. You may be thinking that you teach these things at home like all parents but these values are being reinforced and taught in clubs as well. A child playing in the backyard is NOT learning the same message as a child going door to door twice a year to collect food for the needy. Not to mention a child will thrive with scheduling and scheduled clubs can provide a great outlet for creativity as well as help them form healthy relationships with adults who arenot relatives. If you can afford it I would suggest a club like Scouts that meets less than once a week.  

  4. No, our 2 oldest go to school and then are home by 2:00, which is great because my littlest takes his nap while I help the others with their homework. They do take piano lessons once per week in our home, and my oldest in in Girl Scouts but that is only twice per month, on Friday evenings. I don't really think its an issue of if you allow your children to do extra-curricular activities or not. I think its HOW MANY some parents allow their children to participate in! Too many activities does not allow for dinners together or any family time! So, thats why we don't do things like that during the week. I want my children to have dinner with both parents each night, have fun playing together all afternoon, and go to bed at a decent time!

  5. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I think children need more unstructured time to play and entertain themselves.

    On the other hand, a child who's never been in athletics before will find it hard to participate in competitive sports in high school because all the other kids would have been in the sport probably since the age of 8.

    But all the activities are very expensive these days.  My kids are only in school activities: choir, debate, volleyball, basketball and track for my 12 year old.  I probably will have my 5 year old son in cub scouts or 4H.

    My son who's in high school only likes digital art and comics. He also has high functioning autism. He was in boy scouts up to age 13 but then we moved and did not put him in a new troop. It was probably inappropriate to have him in activities anyway as he is not very social.

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