
Does everything really happen for a reason?

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Does everything really happen for a reason?




  1. Yes, but sometimes that reason is just to confuse you.

  2. Yes - it is all part of God's plan............

  3. I would like to think that it does.  I believe that everything happens for the best, even though it may not seem that way at the time.  If things didn't occur the way they did, some of us might not be here today.  It's really hard to have that opinion when something tragic happens, but something worse could have happened.  God has a plan for us and it's for the best.  Sometimes no matter what you do, the same event will occur.

  4. That is a matter of personal opinion. It is all how you look at it.

    If there is a reason, we don't what that reason is. If there is not a reason, then we can certainly look at it for hours and find a reason even if that reason wasn't really the reason we will try and make it feel like that is the reason. It is like mental justice.

  5. If everything does happen for a reason, then free will couldn't exist. Otherwise everything would be predetermined by past events, desires, etc.

    So let's just assume not everything happens for a reason, maybe some things.  

  6. Considering the absence of real "No" answer, I felt I should contribute to this conversation with an opposing view.

    I do not believe that things happen for a reason, or at least, not any "greater reason". If I get hit by a car tomorrow, it will be because the driver was drunk, a bad driver, not looking, or homicidal... but it will not be because I am a "bad person" and it will not be a way for God to prove to my family how much they love me... it will simply be an incident brought about by chance and several volitions.

    To say that everything happens for a reason is really to say that destiny and fate exist. Now, if they do, we have no free choice, yet you and I both know that every morning when we go to work, it is not because we have to, but because we choose to. Choice is not only inevitable, but defining of humanity.

    Reason, a "greater plan", and God are all extremely unscientific explanations. Furthermore, believing things happen for a reason is not just to deny humanity of it's greatest ability, but to blame innocents. While you are reading this, many people died, do you think they all "deserved" it?

    All that being said, just because there is no God-run reason, does not mean that we should deny that every experience we have is a learning experience. If something happens to a family member and I cry about it, it will not be because God wanted me to remember how much I cared, but I may end up being reminded regardless.

  7. Yes, now I want to know why I am suffering when I haven't done anything bad to anyone. You see life was good that was about 2000 years ago now the majority is bad and they are eating the good people alive.  

  8. I think god changes things that might happen in the future by the things you do, I don't think he sits there moving you around with his finger, but maybe he watches us, and laughs when we try to figure out what he wants us to do, because in the long run, your life is your choice, you could end it now, or go on and become what you've always dreamed. So in conclusion, Some choices cant be overwritten, but for others, the best choice is to make the one that seems best to you.

  9. I really believe so. Reason being, everything that has happened in my life was for a reason. Most times I didn't realize until years later. Some people might believe that something very physical or really noticeable is going to happen but I think it's much deeper than that. A lot of the things I went through prepared me for things I am going through now. If it wasn't for those experiences, I probably would've had a nervous breakdown already.

  10. Yes, but not in the sense you mean it.

    The reason is a past effect ie the ball falls because I dropped it. I did not drop it because the ball needed to fall.

    I think, to be honest, the idea of fate, though nice, cos it gives your life meaning, is slightly ridiculous. I don't think the course of my life is going to swerve wildly to one side so I can meet the love of my life. It just doesn't seem likely.

    Still what will be will be, not because it needs to be, but because once we're there, we can't go back.

  11. Sure it does, and those fools who spout some easy answer are just after your money or the credit for bringing you into their fold.

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