
Does everything you want also want you ?

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Does everything you want also want you ?




  1. I can roughly estimate that only 0.00001% of everything I want have the ability to "want"...the rest of 99.99999% are generally inanimate objects.

  2. No, it seems that most things, expecially the things I want most are trying to run away from me and so far they've succeeded because I haven't got any of them yet.

  3. Right now I want a grapefruit, seeing as it isn't sentient, how exactly is it supposed to want me?

  4. Well, if its food or clothes it doesn't really have a choice now does it.

  5. sure doesn't.  when it comes to material goods- yes.  they are synthetic, processed to be consumed.  as far as life goals and people, well, we all fail.  if you fail at it, regardless of how much you want it, then that would be a no.    

  6. Wanting is highly over-rated.

    Every divorced person started out with someone they wanted.

    Every break up started with someone you wanted.

    Every loss started out with wanting something.

  7. No.

  8. possibly not

  9. no.not possible for anyone

  10. everything or everyone?

    things don't want me, people do!  who i want, yes i feel very strongly that he also does want me as well!♥

  11. Certainly not dinner. Those wet vegetables and pasta probabbly want to be something else.

  12. No, but that is where many great works of art, sonnets, poems, story's, etc. come from.  The love of a woman who belongs to another can drive a man crazy, when the woman feels nothing at all.  

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