
Does evil live in every human lives?

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In other words there is this evil thing for us to do good things.




  1. yes it is in our lives, to test us how strong is our long we can live 4 truth (good)!!

    as there is evil we know the importance of good.

  2. i think god and evil both live to gather in every human that's some time we are very honest and respect every one but when we drink to much or angry we don't no how to behave with other and respect elder person

  3. Why find out?

    It takes one to know one...

  4. I feel we are all capable of good and evil...thus your answer would be yes. Try walking on water if you need to test the theory. But I'm sure that all the perfection in the world at this given time has a little mean streak somewhere.

  5. Evil does not exist.

    Believing in it, makes it exist... for yourself!

  6. Yes. Evil is the combination of two animal instincts. Jealousy and Vengeance.

  7. I think that deep down (and sometimes not so deep down) we all have forces driving us that could make us do evil things. Dostoevsky said that there's a demon in all of us.

  8. Everybody can, and probably does have an evil streak within them. Some people are so much better at controlling it, that is the difference.

    Nobody knows exactly how evil some people can be, until it comes to the test, and even the most decent person can be pushed to acts of sheer evil and brutality if the conditions are right, and unfortunately, some people see it  to be in service of their God and religion to commit them.

    When it comeas to survival, people will do anything.

    You just have to look at certain acts and attrocities committed down the years to see that, going right back to the times of the Bible.

    Mike t.

  9. Good question!

    Every human being consists of good and evil.  It is how our lives play out and the resistance we are raised with that determines who we become, most of the time.

    If we are raised with the right balance of staples in our lives, (the most important being love)more times than not, we will grow up to be well-balanced individuals.

  10. yes there is good and bad in all us humans its  in out nature just like animals .

  11. I would not say that evil "lives" anywhere, since it may be equated with death. The propensity for evil exists within every human person, the extent to which that is actualized differs.  All of our actions and motives are at best mixed, even in the good that we do, but I would not say that it is an evil thing to do good, rather our motives may vitiate the good done rebounding in evil,

  12. Everyone has the potential for evil to varying degrees just as we all have the potential for good.

    It's which of the two we decide to be the dominant driving force in our life that dictates whether we are mostly good or evil.

    Thankfully, being good seems to be a quality that most people prefer.

  13. i belive so wend we are mad thats whend are evil part cames out but if we try to stay calm and try to avoid that it will stay inside but we humands have a litle of everything good and bad well gril good luck on that see ya

  14. Evil is socially defined and nobody knows how they will act in a situation until they are in it.  Evil is defined by onlookers post a situation, not by the actor in the middle of 'acting'.

  15. yes.

    I think all humans are born evil....good is an exception.

    thank you

  16. Evil is an aquired trait.  I have not seen any child born with any evil things in mind. Evil , also,  is a subjective word , varying in definition and in  interpretation .  A child does not have these  when it is born. But he /she is also a human being!

    As we grow and interact with the world around us   we go , more and more , externalising us leaving behind our internalisation .  These external factors of Good and Bad, Right and  Wrong, Dos and Don`t get classified , generally, as evil and  good.. Yes. They exist side by side  We stretch our imagination of these eveils and good things upto God and the stan , both imaginary. I can come upto the point of Godliness and eveilness but not God and evil.

  17. Evil only exists by the definition of the time. What is evil to one may not be evil to another.

    Evil is simply the balance of the morally correct. Where those morals are based define evil. Is one required for the other to exist ? Possibly. But then is life shades of evil, or shades of good ?

  18. No. Neither metaphorically or physically. All people have the potential to be evil, which I think is a slightly different idea.

    A person might die before ever being exposed to evilness.

  19. I would say more often no than yes. Only a perversion of what they believe to be good.

    Have you ever heard a person who has done evil things justify what they have done as the right thing. If you listen to interviews of any kinpin, murderer or terrorist they have genuinely convinced themselves that their victims deserved their fate.

    Bad people don’t try to be bad, they try to be good. It’s their warped view of what good is that is the problem. Most scary of all for me is religion. In the name of religion throughout the ages some truly horrendous things have been done in the name of the God, in the name of  Good. Although the acts themselves are pure evil.

    If what your asking is it in people to imagine great evil then yes, but that does not mean they are. Yesterday someone pushed pass me in a queue. I imagined dropping a box of beers over his head. But my ability to perceive evil and the knowledge that it is evil and not to act on it is not the same thing as being evil, that’s being good. After all unless you understand the easy temptation to the dark side, what are you giving up?

  20. Only if you are insane. Shame and guilt are performance enhancers. If you are allergic to them, if you fail or they fail to enhance your consciousness, then you are on the dark side. If you reject them or suppress them, treat them like nausea or vomiting and merely attempt to control them like a disease, you are wrong.

  21. Good and Evil are words, not objects. They describe actions people take and are often ascribed incorrectly to objects and to people. There is no actual existence to either of them, and they can be interchangeable depending upon the view of the beholder - for example, a 'good' soldier does his duty by killing the enemy, which is an 'evil' act. In religious circles 'Evil' is often personified by the devil, and blame is attributed to him for the existence of evil (whereas, as god made everything, it must have been made by god). It is easier for people to project the concept of evil onto objects and others than it is to accept that all of us can commit good and evil acts.

  22. It is important to many people to belive that they make choices.

    It is not enough that these choices can be smart or stupid, they like to add the moral dimension of good and bad.

    They are usefull terms in helping people to know how to get along.

    The word evil is something a bit more than just bad. It has religious conotations, as if those hurt by evil are not just people but that the universe/God itself is offended.

    So a cop out answer is to say evil exists for the religious.

    An additional point is about the primary atribution bias: when other people do bad things we are more likely to think it is because ther ARE bad, when we do bad things we tend to think it is becuase the SITUATUATION made us do it.

    How quickly we abandon free will when we are looking to excuse our own badness!

    So the answer to does 'badness' exist in human lives, the answer is, yes, and the further you get from your own situation, the more likely you are to make judgements of badness, and the more you understand another persons situation, the more likely you are to dismiss such judgements. With notable exceptions i guess.

  23. When we wrongly imagine ourself to be the body

    which arises when we seemingly ignore unadulterated

    self consciousness,there arises  duality with separative feeling

    and it's offspring conflict and evil.

  24. Evil is a degeneration of the soul caused by contamination of the body and mind. Mass media indoctrination warped and dehumanises the masses and evil is accepted as part of human nature if not ‘’essential’’ for some contrived purpose.

    Mankind firmly believes the media as his church and scriptures are dismissed as contradictory and nonsense, whilst the hate mongers spread hatred and intolerance like a cancer whilst forcing tolerance of the same said.

    Media fed masses are so unbelievably mind numbingly mentally insufficient as to render the entire institution a complete evil waste of time.

    Love is essential but is negated and lust and carnal licentiousness glorified and lauded. Man may be cleansed many times. Yet his turning towards sin corrupts his thinking, distorts his morality and he becomes confused and irrational. Evil must be destroyed but alas it protects itself well

  25. yes.

  26. no not all of us but most of them because some of us have angel spirits 4^[]^4.

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