
Does excess oil on skin cause acne?

by  |  earlier

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because i have both. i was also wondering how my skin will be affected by oil absorbing sheets.?




  1. yes, the bacteria, that causes acne, feeds on the sebum.

    but oil absorbing sheets won't do much.

    i suggest going to the dermatologist for your acne.

  2. It can, especially if it excessively gets clogged into pores.

    Be sure to rinse your face with cold water when you wash. :)

    Oh and ancient chinese secret! lol

    Try a baking soda mask. It works perfect for oily skin like ours and for clearing acne. Just some regular baking soda and enough water to make it stick on your face. let it dry. then rinse with cold water. Do this every other day until you see results. Then, less often. I promise you will get results. I have been doing this for about 5 years! I love telling people about it cause it works, like amazingly!!!

    good luck :)

  3. Yes it does definitely.

    Oil absorbing sheets will help blot them without ruining your makeup so you might want to get them.

    i reccomend ones from ELF or Clean and Clear

  4. ugh...wash more

    oil is food for bacteria  

  5. excess is good for your skin and also eat the right foods  

  6. Yes it will.

    Wash your face daily, morning, and night.

    Invest in a facial scrub, a thick gritty one use it twice a week.

    Wear less makeup, it can clog your pores.

    Wash your face more than twice a day if you find it gets oily VERY quickly.

    Some moisteriser help beat oily skin, and keep your skin hydrated, smooth and protected.

    Hope i helped.

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