
Does extremely straight golf balls help to reduce hooks and slices?

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Does extremely straight golf balls help to reduce hooks and slices?




  1. Hooks and slices are caused by:

    Hook - in-to-out golf swing with a close club face through impact.

    Slice - out-to-in swing path with an open club face through impact.

    Sorry to tell you there is no such thing as a Straight Ball.

    Some balls spin more than others but none will go straight unless you hit it straight.

    As an aside a straight shot is the hardest shot to play and you will need to have an in-to-in swing path and a square club face at impact.

  2. A low-spin ball may make your slice go less further into the woods, but it will still go into the woods.  I struggled with a slice for a while and no ball or draw-baised driver could correct it.  I didn't get that under control until I got with a teacher and learned how to swing correctly.

  3. Your swing and how the head of the club hits the ball is what makes the ball go straight or not.

    That being said, certain balls are made however that try to minimize the slice or hook of a player. Have a read at this site for some basic information about golf balls.

  4. Are you refering to a Ball that is manufactured to be strait?

    Cause thats wack.

    Hit it square on the clubface at impact, and the ball will go strait.  Dont concern yourself with special balls and such

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