
Does eye patching help strabismus?

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Both my eyes are slightly inwards, I've had them since young but I don't have any problems with my vision. Well, short-sighted but that's a whole different story.

Anyway, will patching one side of my eye help? Maybe after one side is well, I patch the other eye? How long should I patch it?




  1. dude you should get an eyepatch, hook, redcoat, and sword, and a toy parakeet for ur shoulder! then ull be an awesome pirate

  2. Have you been diagnosed with strabismus or by "turning in" do you mean that when you look in the mirror you think that your pupils are not centred in the lids?  Saying that both eyes turn inwards does not describe strabismus.

    In any event, patching is used as a treatment for amblyopia, not strabismus.  Strabismus is treated with surgery.

  3. No, it won't help *strabismus*.

    Patching can help the poor vision (amblyopia) that is often found *associated with* cases of strabismus, affecting the weaker, turning eye.

    It will do nothing for the angle of turm even when the acuity of the eye can be brought up considerably.

    (which can often be done at a later age than used to be thought)

    The turn, squint, strabismus, can be affected by the wearing of appropriate +ve Rx in cases of undetected hyperopia (longsight), and by surgery in appropriate cases.

    In both the above,  patching might be part of the overall therapy if amblyopia was present as well as strabismus but, to repeat, patching alone would not change the strabismus.

  4. Eye patching is usually done in young childrent since they are growing. It is  highly unlikely that patching will help your strabismus but if it really bothers you then you should consider surgery. YOu mentioned the turning in is slight so your success rate is a lot higher compared to those who have severe strabismus.

  5. Yes, it can. But it depends on the condition and severity of you strabismus. Covering or patching the strong eye to improve amblyopia (the weaker eye) is often necessary. Ask your ophthalmologist for how long are you going to use an aye patch. After a complete eye examination, an ophthalmologist can recommend appropriate treatment. In some cases, eyeglasses can be prescribed or surgery to correct the unbalanced eye muscles.

    Check out this for more details:

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