
Does eyeshadow go out of date?

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my powder eyeshadow seems to have there a certain time where it has to be thrown away (by the way, there is no expiry date on the product)

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  1. Um, Well it doesn't have a expiration date. Excessive use and after while of sitting there it can fade and some even smell. But, it's time to throw it away if color has fade, starts to smell and/or it been sitting for over a year. If you have pink eye and use eyeshadow bacteria can get in it after using a brush and can be back in your eye. So that would be time to ditch it. Not every good. Best of luck.

  2. eyeshadow is one makeup item that can last very long. u can leave it up to a year. but if the color faded, then u know it's done so u better throw it and buy a new one that has the color u want.

  3. all make up products have an expiry time from opening. newer makeup has a little symbol on the bottom with things like "6m" (6 months from opening.) just as a guide here's a general list of how long things last

    • Mascara: 3 months

    • Cleanser: 6 months

    • Eye shadow: 6 months

    • Foundation: 6 months

    • Moisturizer: 6 months

    • Concealer: 6 to 8 months

    • Blush: 6 to 12 months

    • Lipstick and gloss: 1 year

    • Powder: 1 year

    • Toner: 1 year

    • Nail polish: 2 years

    • Applicator sponges and brushes: toss disposable ones and wash others regularly.

  4. I once saw an article in Good Housekeeping years ago that said you shouldn't keep makeup longer than a year. Other than that I'm not sure.

  5. Most powders will last 2-3 years, but if you keep them sanitary and don't experience any problems with change in texture or color, you can keep using it.  Just remember to use sanitary practices so you don't get alot of bacteria on the shadow (use clean brushes, wash them regularly, etc).

    Other eye makeup like mascara and liner should be tossed more often (mascara- 3 mos, liner- 6 mos).

  6. Yess .. Normally Make-up and Perfumee like expire after six-months x i am pretty sure that it only runs out 6months after you have opened it x  

  7. My key is always the odour. Does it smells fresh, regular or bad. If fresh then you really didn't use it a lot and you keep your brush clean. Regular, keep an eye on it before it gets bad. Bad smell, through it away.

  8. its best to keep makeup,especially for the eyes, no more then six months.  it can build up bacteria and then you end up putting it in your eyes.  

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