
Does feminism need to re-invent itself to survive?

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Does feminism need to re-invent itself to survive?




  1. Not nessecarily. Its still always been there, just maybe not as strong. There are still plenty of cases around, so Im not sure if it needs to re-invent itself...just more women may need to turn to it to make more of an impact.

  2. There are plenty of feminists who just love this sexist 3rd wave feminism and are so pig headed that they have no chance of survival.

    The only next step is to get rid of feminism and morph into equalism.

  3. na...we do however need some serious public relations help.

    know anyone?

  4. I think so, but a lot of feminists are way too busy beating on a long dead horse, as the world continues to spin.

  5. I've always thought that the second people's rights were taken away, they would want them back. Mind you, I'm not quite willing to be forced to stay at home and to lose access to comprehensive health care, but I can't tell you the number of young women I meet that are under the impression that Roe v. Wade is a done deal or that the feminism battle has been fought and won.

    Feminism doesn't need to reinvent itself. People need to crack a book and learn what feminism is about.

    Additionally, the feminist lobbies (NOW, NARAL) need to be actively recruiting people--especially on college campuses. I think the current cost of birth control is one place for them to start riling other women up. And in addition to that, they need to be collecting money dollar for dollar to defeat the fundamentalist lobbyists and support politicians that make it clear that they always will support women's issues.

  6. Yeah, pretty much.

  7. Not re-invent, necessarily, just separate itself from its fringe.

  8. Every feminist group that refuses to fight against men's rights is labeled anti-feminists within the movement. Wendy's is a prime example of being called an anti-feminist, along with other Libertarian feminists who fight for true equality. The same happened with Paglia(a feminist) when she contested the false statistics feminists used to claim all men were rapists and abusers. The same also happened to the pro-s*x feminists in the 2nd wave.

    What is a good proposition to fighting for actual equality, when the largest groups don't want you to? I think Wendy is doing the best that can be done about that. I applaud anyone who can stand up against an oppressing group and shrug their shoulders at the insults and attacks, in the name of equality and freedom.

  9. It's not a matter of re-invention. Feminism has had its day and we are now entering the age of equalism.

    The feminism hierarchy will soon be receiving their pay-off cheques.

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