
Does firefox give you a virus?

by Guest67002  |  earlier

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Could sound like a stupid question but in order to do something I need firefox, Is it not a good idea to install it?




  1. definitely not

    in fact, I recommend firefox over any other web browser

    internet explorer is ridden with spyware and other malicious software trying to get at your computer

    firefox, however, acts as a spyware blocker and is very safe to use

    warning:don't confuse mozilla firefox with stopzilla, as stopzilla is known to carry spyware

    download site for firefox:

    I believe it's the same site as the guy above me


  2. Firefox is a browser for the internet as an alternative to Internet Explorer.  A lot of people use it to avoid virus's.

  3. No, it doesn't "give you a virus". I'd be interested to know what would even make you think that! It is a very good idea to install Firefox - its a great web browser!

  4. No, it's perfectly safe.Go to and get it there,then you know for sure it's safe.

  5. If you go to mozilla's site and download it from there, you will not get a virus - good choice to go with Firefox

  6. no virus,and it's good

  7. Does firefox give you a virus?

    No Way!

    Here is the link for Mozilla Firefox

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