
Does fission ever occur in stellar objects? Or are elements always bound to get heavier and heavier?

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Does fission ever occur in stellar objects? Or are elements always bound to get heavier and heavier?




  1. As I recall, fission does occur on a much smaller scale in stars, but the lighter elements are quickly shuffled back into the mix, as it were. It would be akin to the random motion of water molecules in a pot of boiling water should cause a few to be bumped to a point of less motion, meaning cooler. but because of the convection in the pot, this would almost instantaneously be lost as the continued jostling would cause the cooler molecules to reheat.

    A very rough analogy, but the point is essentially the same.

  2. If an element is heavy enough, then there will be nuclear fission. On earth there is natural nuclear fission. Heavy elements have their half-life and that decides when they decay.

  3. With all the turmoil that takes place within a star some fission is likely, but it is negligent. Fusion results only in the creation of heavier elements.

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