
Does footwork matter on my serve?

by Guest61417  |  earlier

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I see these pros putting their feet together then hitting the ball and some of them don't move their feet at all. I always thought that footwork doesn't matter on your serve.

If I put my feet together, then hit my first serve, does that mean that my serve will be harder and more accurate or does it matter?

* Star my question if you don't understand




  1. yes

  2. Of course it matters! The pros throw the ball, bend their knees and jump into it. Is gives the player more power. Unless you want to hit the ball flatly. The use of arm strength is not enough if you want to ace it like the pros do. It dosen't necessarily mean that it gives a player more accuracy in serving. It's basically more on power.  

  3. well, serving is like pitching in baseball..


    ... I think I understand why you're asking this question.

    Some guys put their feet together before serving because then they can gain more height as you balance your weight forward.. It doesn't matter if you do it like Monfils, Marat or Agassi putting them together, or if you do it like Roger or Roddick who don't... They are just different styles...  

      If you do not put your feet together before hitting you will still do so immediately before hitting without noticing, because it is natural for the legs to come together when you try to reach high if you go forward with your weight (you will notice players slide their feet together leaving marks on the court where they serve... so it ends up being the same both ways).


    .The reason many people serve like that (feet together first) is because it is common to make beginners do that step as it makes them balance their weight forward automatically. And sometimes, people just immitate other people who serve like that. Hence, a lot of guys do this... but the main reason is to have a correct a balancing.


    ...The ball does not go harder nor slower just because of this however.


    You can check Nadal's serve when he was 13 up to 18 and how the lack of this step made his serve very sloppy. He did not balance his weight forward naturally. The little step you talked about avoids that problem.



  4. yes  

  5. To specifically answer your question, yes, it does matter, because you don't want to foot fault, and you want to keep your balance when you serve. There are basically two types of footwork on your serve; the one where you slide your right foot [ if you're right handed ] to your left foot after the toss, or the one where you stand with your feet parted.

    Example of slide- Viktor Troicki

    Example of parted- Pete Sampras

  6. The feet and legs do matter.

    The first reason is the production of powers through the use of legs. If you bend your knees and use that power you can hit a faster serve. But in terms of you question specifically, one reason is that you don't want to foot fault and if you use your feet properly then you can be balanced and ready to move after your serve instead of being all over the place which gives your opponent an advantage. Also if you put your feet together and move forwards then your weight will be carrying you forwards which results in a faster serve, but remember that a faster serve is harder to control. Hope that helps.

  7. yes..orfourse

  8. Yes, it matters! Serving is actually more a matter of leg strength than anything else! If you have your legs together when you serve, you will get a serve with more push and power, and you will stay balanced after your serve, giving you time to get set to play the next shot!

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