
Does former President Jimmy Carter get a Bum rap?

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This is a Yes or No Question. (please excuse any spelling error's)

This is my "Reasons" for asking please read and concider before casting your vote.

In all serisouness, I lived and worked and joined the Military Under Carter. So when looking at what was happening in the World and America from, 1973 to 1980;

1) End of 'Nam '75, = "Military Draw Down" Just like after WW2. Although,

a. We still had peace keeping to do after #2 so the draw down wasn't

b. "Nam starts in 1945, with the French fighting to keep conrtol of their Colony.

c. Japan was Dis-Armed. Korea was in civil war with Communist China backing their Neighbor the North. Japan was a sitting Duck.

Mass infux of former military personnel into the labor pool. Jobs filled America Happy. Republicans will later use this to tarnish 1 of the First, Nuclear Submarine Officers.

2) Boat People, how many Millions of refugies floated across the Pacific in anything that would float to America. This Massive influx of People into our economy in the late 70's Soaked-Up any remaining jobs, started buying up Food and other commodities causing mass inflation.

3) Lines at the Gas Staions. If anyone would care to remember. The First Oil Crissis was in '73 under Republicans Nixon and Ford, Hmm 35 years later Repo President again, very currious). That one was from OPEC flexing it's muscles and the blockage of the Suez Cannel.

The 1 under Carter was America telling OPEC to; "Eat Their Oil" for their direct support of Terrorism around the world. He told us there would be Sacrifices, but if our fathers "the Greatest Generation" could do it to defeat Hitler and then stop the spread of Communism and its Evil after WW2. We could easily do This. Then reallity hit Americans with gas every other day by liecense plate number. Rip-off fly by night gizmos that didn't work, etc. . . And we gave up. It was just too Hard for America and her people. The Freedom that was Very easy to reach if we would have "Just Done It". His Goal was by 1998, Ten years ago. 3 years before 9/11, and, Before the USS. Cole, Or the Embasy in Africa. (It should be noted that the rules for determining "Inflation were Changed after Reagan took office.)

4) The Iranian People got Tired of the Dictator "We" had installed (along with Saddem) some years earlier and Over Thru "The Shaw of Iran". They weren't too happy with America for giving them this Dictator so some psssed off "Students" or radical followers (like KKK) took over our Embasy there. Carter responded with a task force of our "Best Trained" Marine Spec. Opps. Personnel. Sabatoge' to equipment or a "Leak of Top Secret info." (Valarie Plaim?) caused the Traggic end to the Lives of some of our Finest Defenders of Freedom and the mission that should have Freed our people. And giving the Repo's more ammo' to use against Carter. Then the Hostage's were set for Release in the late summer of '80, but the Republican Party went and promissed to "help them" if they would just hold on to Our Fellow Americans until after Reagan safely in office. 180 Days Longer just so Carter wouldn't have that feather in his hat before the elections of 1980.

(The above is what actually happened and is true, Remember? I smoked more pot then you did and I remember these events. I was a asst. mgr of a Gas station and I joined the U.S. Army under Jimmy in early 1980.)

So after reading and concidering the truthful information (not propagnda) provided.

My question is; Does our former President,

Naval Nuke Sub Officer.

Good all-around American good guy (who's momma Miss Lillian Carter, rode Her FHL Harley Davidson all over this great land of ours.),

Get a Bum Rap?




  1. he was a joke just like Obama is!

  2. Absolutely. Carter was an excellent President who often took hard knocks for speaking the truth.  

  3. I'm a nice person, but that doesn't mean I'm good at something.  If I operated on a very ill person and he died, I can't say, "Well, he was already in bad shape."  I am not a doctor and didn't have what it takes to save him.

    You can say the same thing about Obama in the future if he wins.

  4. Carter=Bum

  5. Yes, he gets a bum rap. I remember this all too vividly. If we had listened to Carter we would be energy independent by now. The truth hurts. He stood up for what he believed in.

  6. Although I was too young to remember anything about Carter personally, I say definitely yes. I think if we paid more attention about energy conservation and alternative energy from the Carter years, we probably wouldn't be in the energy crunch we are in today. Now we are getting back to ideas we should have figured out over thirty years ago.

    Anyway, the convergence of events which he had little control over and that he didn't have the personal charisma to charm his way out of trouble meant that he went down as a worse president than he actually was. His style of micromanagement didn't help much either. Overall, he ended up being alot better ex-president than an actual president.

    It's too bad that Republican presidents don't get half the criticism for that Democratic ones do, maybe if he started a real war people would have loved him instead.

  7. no,he was a disaster.anyone can find one or two things good.

  8. Yes, he gets a bum rap.

    I personally think he was a patsy brought in by the corporate elite who really run the world, but that's a different story.

    He's a great man, and a great humanitarian.  The economy that we had to suffer through was not his fault.  We were paying for having both "guns and butter" during the Vietnam War during the 1960's.

    Just like the next decade is going to suck because we're we'll be paying back for the "guns and butter" we've had during this astronomically-priced war.  And everyone will blame the next president when it was really Bush and the current Congress's fault.

    And you're right... the Iranian hostages should have been released during his administration as well, but some strings were pulled behind the scenes in order to wait and release them after Reagan was inaugurated.

  9. I think he should be rapped long and hard on his bum. He did a lousy job as president. I was there and it was awful!

  10. no he messed up the economy

  11. Yes.  He tried to rescue our hostages and caught holy h**l for it and Reagan committed treason by trading weapons for them and was declared a hero.  go figure.

  12. Yes. He was the first President to try and get us on the track to energy independence. If we had followed his lead we wouldn't be in this energy crisis right now.

  13. I don't mean to be insulting, but could people just write with a little better grammar and spelling so things are easier to read?

    He gets an undeserved bum rap on some issues, and but deserves it on others.  I would go into more details, but I can't read that again.  And telling us how much pot you smoked isn't a good selling point.  

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