
Does former prime minster Margaret Thatcher deserve to have a state funnel when she dies?

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Does former prime minster Margaret Thatcher deserve to have a state funnel when she dies?




  1. Not in the slightest. Other previous PM's who effected great changes in Britain didn't get one - Clement Atlee for example.

    To have her put in the same category as others who deservedly got one such as Churchill, Nelson and Wellington is an insult to their memory.

  2. I really don't mind whether she does or doesn't. Whilst I have always disagreed with most of her policies, she is undoubtably one of the country's most influential and most successful leaders.

    I understand both sides of the argument but I think it is totally unneccesary to make nasty spiteful comments about her. She is an elderly lady and she is still alive. There is no need for such unpleasant comments.

  3. State funerals should not be given to any politician, except a head of state.

  4. She was the other half of the Reagan/Thatcher tag team that pinned the Soviets and wound down the cold war. One of the best PMs Britain ever had.

    For certain she needs a dignified send off when the time comes.

  5. While I admire Lady Thatcher, I do not think she warrants this exceptional treatment. This would have the effect of politicising State Funerals, with the Labour Party requiring similar treatment for one of their elder statement in the near future.

    Commoners receiving State Funerals should be those whose outstanding contributions have been almost without political controversy and have risen to the cause when the very survival of the United Kingdom was in doubt.

  6. No, but she`s getting one, so I don`t think they will change their minds because of me.  How about Tony Blair or John Major or Harold Wilson?   How is their case any different.

  7. I'd chuck her in the canal personally.

  8. No she should be charged with the murder of 10 brave men who she allowed to starve to death before she would allow them some basic human rights!

  9. First woman PM.

    Just for that she deserves a state funeral in my opinion. :)

  10. (I do hope you mean funeral not funnel)


    I am not from England but that should be the respect she earn from being Prime Minster of Great Britain.

    Just like when Bill Clinton's time comes as much as I don't like him he is deserving of a state funeral

    It doesn't matter what we think of them while they are alive you show proper respect for  the dead with very few explications.

    For example the day Bin Laden bites it I will be celebrating.

  11. Maggie done plenty of things to upset the public,

    but she had the guts to see us through the Falklands war,

    and for that a private funeral with maybe a 21 gun salute in Hyde park should suffice.

  12. You should build a monument to her on the Thames, hold a week of mourning, and hold a state funeral. She was the best thing to happen to the UK since Churchill.

  13. Even PM's with far less successes have had state funerals.  Eventhough I am not a conservative, The "Iron Lady" increased the UK's standing in the world when she was PM.  Ronald Reagan ate out of her hands like a little school boy.

  14. Absolutely not

  15. No, I honestly do not think so. She did some bad and she did some good, but she was only a politician at the end of the day, and no great states-person or war leader.

  16. Yes!

  17. Yes, of course she does.

    People usually only remember the bad things that happened while she was in power but she did do a lot of good for our country.

  18. No, they should bury her under one of the council houses she sold

  19. I`ll keep this simple so that the labour luvvies can understand - Yes.

  20. Yes she does. I remember the most telling thing said about her - "She's the only cabinet member with any balls" She had the courage of her convictions and the policies she introduced were intended to boost Britain as a world power and reverse the stranglehold which the negative attitudes of the unions had on the country at the time. Some of her policies seemed uncaring of dependent people but it is amazing how many people there are who are strong and capable who are nevertheless prepared to take whatever they can get, even if those who are genuinely dependent would be deprived. She tried to give citizens pride in their country and a sense of achievement through hard work and if she seemed to ride roughshod over people it was only because those she deprived of the opportunity to get something for nothing furiously slandered her. She never intended that the weak and dependent should suffer from her policies. Indeed, she maintained that they would have a better life once the healthy, strong freeloaders got off their backsides and relieved the country of the burden of their laziness. Nobody could ever have accused her of being a fence-sitter like the sham governments we have now.

  21. Why wouldn't she?  She was one of your best Prime Ministers of the 20th century.  If a member of the irrelevant Royal Family gets a State Funeral merely for their birthright surely Ms. Thatcher should.

  22. any funnel will do for her corpse, so long as its attached to a truck exhaust, not necessarily a state one

  23. No they should open one of the old coal mines up in Yorkshire and throw the old witch down there!

  24. Definitely, she has done more to fundementally change Britain than any other person since the Second World War. I agree with the sentiments of an above, she certainly deserves a state funeral more than mere royals.

    Even if you disliked her, it is difficult to deny that she was an imposing and influential PM, at home and abroad. I'd line the streets and wave a small flag.

  25. For my part 'yes'.  She broke the power of the unions which was the greatest thing anybody could have done in the country.  Through life I have seen Unions spoil so many jobs through their ignorance and excessive demands.  Regretfully the normal worker will always support somebody who the thinks will get them something for nothing, if only they could think beyond their nose.

  26. I believe the miners she destroyed should celebrate by giving coal to send her up a "funnel"

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