
Does formula feeding have any advantages over breastfeeding?

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First of all, let me state that I am a happily breastfeeding mom and I have no intentions of stopping any time soon. I was just wondering out of curiosity if formula has any advantages over breastfeeding besides the convenience. Like does it have any nutritional advantages? I don't have a problem with other moms formula feeding their children, in fact I occasionally give my daughter formula so please lets not make this a breastfeeding vs. formula feeding war. Also can anyone tell me all the benefits of breastfeeding again? I know there are several but I think I may have forgotten some.




  1. the only advantage i can think of is if the mother is nutritionally deficient the baby could not be getting the vitamins it needs to be healthy. formula has added vitamins. however nutritionally breastmilk is so complex that even tho they have been making formula for over 40 years they are nowhere close to having a formula that is almost the same as breastmilk.

    the breastfeeding benefits are: you get added protection from cervical and ovarian cancer as well as from osteoperosis.  when your baby's spit comes into contact with your areola your body begins producing immunities to any "bugs" that your baby has come into contact with and 8 hours later your milk will have those immunities in it.  also your body will produce immunities to any "bugs" that you come into contact with and pass them on to your baby. so if you are sick with a cold or the flu you can still breastfeed your baby because it will give them protection from what you have.  

  2. The breast milk is best for the child - that is a given.  However, there are times when formula will do. Occasions like taking certain meds or off on a business trip and don't want to leave the breast at home.  Some want only to breast feed for the first week, month, etc, then switch over to formula. To answer your question, formula has the one advantage of being a second rate, but acceptable substitute

  3. No, in almost all cases formula does not have an advantage over breast milk.

  4. Advantages to formula:

    1. If mom has to be apart from her baby, other people can feed baby without mom needing to pump.  (Other people can also feed baby even if mom is right there in the room.)

    2. If mom is very modest/uncomfortable with bodily processes she can easily bottlefeed anywhere. It may be uncomfortable for her to breastfeed in public. (Or anywhere, if she is extremely uneasy with her own body.)

    3. If mom has certain health conditions, or needs to take certain meds (i.e. HIV or cancer chemotherapy) and donor breastmilk isn't available, then formula is obviously the safest option.

    There are no nutritional advantages to formula over breastmilk. Contrary to what some might believe, even if you eat a less than ideal diet, your milk will be perfect. Nature created human milk to meet the needs of human babies. It would have been rather foolish of her to leave out vital nutrients.

    Benefits of breastfeeding?  There are thousands, but can be broken down into a few broad catagories.

    Reduced risk of many  illness.(For mother AND baby)

    Increased IQ.

    Lower cost.

    Higher convenience.

    Enhanced bonding.

    Easier to digest.

    Babies are never allergic to it.

  5. Breastfeeding gives your child many antibodies that formula can not.  Its also just healthier for them, and builds up their immunity.  As for formula, conveniece is definitely the biggest advantage, except for obviously having to pay for it when breastmilk is free. There is constant research on breastmilk, and trying to make formula a copy of it, but theres still many things missing.  I do not see a problem with breast-or bottle feeding, to each her own!

  6. breastfeeding provides healthier babies and has nutrients that formulas can never have

  7. Comparison between Human milk & formula-

    Check out the WHY BREAST IS BEST section too.

    God Bless

  8. Formula holds zero advantages over breastfeeding nutritionally, it has an astounding amount of disadvantages.

    As for convenience - what could be more convenient than b*****s that are always in the same place, the milk is always at the right temperature, and it involves no sterilizing or washing.

  9. There are several pros and cons that people can argue about until they are blue in the face, but when it comes to nutritional value, no one denies that breast is best.  Breast milk offers things that formula can never duplicate.

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