
Does germany still have good submarines i heard that they have the most advanced?

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submarine and they still call it a u boat




  1. Haven't heard about any lately, but then again... we didn't see their last two big build-ups did we ?

  2. Most advanced?  

    Hmmm...relative term. The Kochum Class and Type 212 and 223 are certainly not run-of-the-mill U Boats(Unterseeboots). The are smaller and utilize quite a few modern advances.

    However, the "State of the Art" in World Patrol capabilities remains the Nuclear Submarine like those of the French, British and US Navies...such as the Ohio Class.

    The problems with Nukes is their cooling off after decommissioning. The Brit's old Dreadnought still sits in Ireland without a reactor...rusting...and she still makes a geigercounter horny...

  3. Germany doesn't build nuc boats, but as was said, Kochum class and Type 212 and 223 which run on batteries, fuel cells and diesels..........about 1/2 the size of an American or Brit nuc they have a vigorous export market to NATO countries as well as Turkey and Japan....and irony of ironies, Israel

    there is an raging debate on nuc vs fuel cell boats....initial cost quietness of operations, deepness of diving capacity, maneuverability in shallow waters.....for a coastal state  ( Baltic, Persian Gulf, inshore China/Japan) there's something to be said for non nucs.for a country that has to defend the deep sea and travel10,000 miles to get to operational areas.US French Brit nucs are the answer

  4. Yes they still make Submarines. Currently they are exporting Several Type 209 variants, and are now selling a Type 212. The Type 212 reportedly has what is called Air Independent Propulsion, a propulsion source that does not require outside air, and is not Nuclear. The Germans themselves do not posses very modern submarines despite producing very modern submarines. Germany has a handfull of Type 206 SSK's built in the late 1970's. Reportedly they have ordered themselves several Type 212 variants to replace their Type 206.

    Germany develops modern submarines and sells them to foreign nations, however their Submarine Fleet has not had a new Submarine since the late 1970's. The Type 212 will get them back into times with most other Western Nations. They do call their boats Unterseeboot (U-boats) still. Whether they are the most advanced in the world is unknown except to a handfull of Submariners, and intel guys who will not tell you for sure.

  5. The German Model 212 is pretty advanced.  It uses fuel cell technology and its pretty quiet.  Here's a link to a page on Wikipedia about them.

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