
Does getting a baby tooth pulled hurt?

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I have an upper baby tooth that is in the way of a permanent tooth (the first molar, I believe.), and if my orthodontist deems that it's not loose enough to simply be pulled, then I will probably have to have it pulled via oral surgery.

My question is, does the Novocain hurt? Does the actual pulling hurt?

What's the worst part?

P.S. - I've heard that the sound is the worst part -- do you think they would allow me to bring my iPod, as long as it's not in the way?




  1. First, you're stressing yourself out over nothing.  Yes, there is a little pain and discomfort, but think of all of the other pains that you've had--hopefully nothing serious--and it's not worse than any of those.  

    To get a tooth pulled (extracted), the dentist will first put use a cotton swab which contains lidocaine, which is a local anaesthetic.  It will numb the area where the novocain shot will be done.  The shot is a little freaky, but nothing serious--long needle, a little pinch, and that's about it.  It goes numb almost instantly, but they may give you a few in some different areas.  They will also wait 10-15 minutes to make sure that you could bite your lip off without knowing.  (Again, it's no big deal.)

    Since it's a baby tooth, and you have another tooth pushing under it, there probably isn't much holding it.  It will be nothing like getting a molar pulled.  The dentist will use an extracting tool, which is similar to a pair of pliers which fit around the tooth and works like a car tire jack to pull it.  You'll feel a little pressure and you may hear a small crack from the last of the root holding it.  (BTW, using an Ipod wouldn't help because the sound is coming from inside your head.  Try chewing something crunchy while listening to the Ipod, and you'll still hear it.  The good thing is that it will last about five seconds.)

    The final part is that they'll rinse it, and have you bite down on gauze and that'll be it.  

    Your only last concern is if the hole is deep enough, you'll need to follow the dentist's instructions so you don't develop a "dry socket".  I've never had one, and I don't remember anyone having one, but I hear that it really hurts.

    I've linked some brief information below.

    You really shouldn't stress out over it.  It's such a minor thing that you'll feel dumb afterwards if you freak out before.  You'll be saying "...that was it??  I worried about that???...."

  2. worst part is the needle putting in the novcaine. other than that, you will be numb in that area for several hours afterward. I'm sure most dentisit/orth's would let you listen to that while they do it.  I know mine does, (He know I hate hearing any of the noises). he also gives me the laughing gas, ask for it, then you will be set.

  3. Well when I had my bracets put in they had too take out 4 permenant teeth (healthy) the anestisia hurts a little but after that you don´t feel a thing and they let me bring my i-pod.

  4. well i had mine taken out by injection, its really horrible i hated it, but im not good with needles. they inserted it like everywhere even the roof of my mouth. eugh, and yeah the sound is pretty grim. but it also means the tooth is out and that your free or having tweezers stuck in your mouth!!!! woooo.. but i doubt they would let you have your ipod. i dont know what the rules are.

  5. yeah ive heard the sound is the worst part too . idk about the ipod thing though. Good idea! lol take it and ask i suppose.  lol idk ive never been to the  dentist. and imm 19 =/

  6. dece

  7. when i was younger my mom used to take me to the dentist to have my baby teeth pulled because i would never pull them out or let anyone touch them...i would make myself sick thinking about it falling out. So she would just take me and have them pulled.  I normally only had nitrous oxide...laughing gas.  Really with novocain you might feel a stick with the first shot...and after that not much, normally just some pressure and tugging. Not painful just a bit strange feeling.  My dentist used to have a walkman in his office for his patients to listen to when they were having work done. So if i were you I would bring your ipod and ask if you could listen to it during the procedure.  So the worst part for me would be the first shot...kinda painful, but necessary for comfort later on.  Good luck and i am sure you will be ok!

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