
Does getting a filling hurt?

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My mom's a dentist. I got a cleaning today and they said I have a tiny cavity. They said it has to be filled. I think I got a filling when I was like 8 but all I could remember was my dentist putting this thing she called Mr. Bumpy in my mouth and me getting scolded for pulling it out of my mouth because I hated it.

Be honest. Does it hurt!? I'm so scared.... shudder......




  1. Please....go ask your mother, as a Dentist, she knows what is best...

  2. No it doesn't hurt.  Get it filled and get it over with before it becomes a severe and VERY painful cavity.

  3. Nope, I'm 15 and recently I've had quite a few fillings and the worse things is the noise and the look of the instruments. Ask to listen to music, if you have an iPod or something so you dont hear them and shut your eyes.

    The worst bits the numbing injection and it WILL feel weird but really theres an amusing side to it as you cant feel your mouth! It might feel a sensative but its done very quickly and will be worth it in the end :)

    Good luck, I'm sure it will be fine!

  4. As someone who has a fantastic mouth of teeth that has only been achieved by years and years of extensive dental work, I can say honestly, no. Not really.

    It's not comfortable. The only painful part (and it's not that bad) is the needle that they will use to freeze the area. It's a pinching sensation on your gums. Then, they'll drill out the interior of the tooth (mostly the part that's deteriorating). You don't feel this, and it doesn't hurt, it's just awkward because the drill is sort of rough feeling and d**n loud.

    Then they'll usually fill the empty space in your tooth with enamel (which now is tooth-coloured, not the hideous metal fillings). Then they'll use another drill to drill off the excess filling so that your teeth close together properly (otherwise you'd have one big lumpy tooth)!

    If you're not used to dental work, it's not pleasant, to be sure. But painful, no. Nothing compared to recovering from wisdom tooth surgery, or a root canal, or a tooth pulling, or anything icky like that. No worries. I've had many fillings. Stupid sweet tooth. ;)

  5. it hurts after a few days then goes away after a week, like sometimes u can feel the pain afterwards the filling is in , its a sharp pain , avoid really cold drinks and hard candy , take some pain killers if perscribed.

  6. uhh no it doesnt i got one when i was five.

  7. no. it doesn't hurt. :).....much. JK. it doesn't hurt. :)

  8. I got my first and only filling at age 9 and they numb your mouth you dont feel a thing, other than a mosquito bite and thats when they give the injection, trust me I am afraid of injections but it wasn't bad at all

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