
Does getting a filling hurt? ?

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im getting one today and what are the steps the dentist does?




  1. well i wud say it depends on the severity of the tooth. technically the deeper the cavity the nearer to the pulp area (pain). but since "only a filling" was indicated, it means ur safe! meaning the depth is still "tolerable for filling". but then again, clinical and xrays cant give a definitive diagnosis, not until the actual procedure, certain provision of treatment plan may be done.

    but bottom line ull be fine: topical anesthesia prior to injection of local anesthesia will be ur life saver.

    if by chance u feel sensitivity during the drill, just raise ur left hand to signal the dentist of pain. but if sensitivity is but tolerable, then u can get away from it.

    make sure to "get the fill" after the actual procedure... feel if there is an unusual contact from the filling itself during teeth closure. the dentist will ask though, but sometimes u actually feel fine initially but sooner or later the filling is sort of "higher"... so make sure u "feel the right way".

    foh sure ull be fine:)

  2. the dentist will numb you....numbing is using a needle...sorry to break the news!!! most dentists are really good and you wont feel a thing when they numb you, but sometimes you will feel a small pinch. nothing to worry about...really.

    once your numbed you wont feel a thing!!

  3. Getting a filling is so easy,don't worry....the worst part is the shot,but it doesn't really even hurt at all.

    you will be fine!

  4. No, not at all. Don't worry! They numb the area and if you do start to feel something, they will give you more numbing medicine. It doesn't even take that long.  

  5. It doesn't hurt.  The dentist will give you a local anesthetic needle in your gum, which stings a little bit.  After that you won't feel anything he does.  However, there is still the horror of the drill, which again doesn't hurt but vibrates through your whole head.  Just keep thinking "this will be over soon" and it will be!

  6. No, it doesn't. The dentist numbs you're gum at the start so you can't really feel anything. Afterwards, it's annoying because you're gums feel like the size of mount everest and it's hard to eat. Hope it goes ok :)

  7. the only thing that may hurt is where he puts the needle in to numb you.  they put a numbing solution on it first but sometimes the dentist will go a little bit deeper and that may be more like pressure than pain!

  8. no it wont hurt however my nephew had one filled last year and a couple of weeks later is tooth broke in half  

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