
Does getting a tattoo hurt more then...?

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Putting Peroxie on a very infected cut?

Because that pain, I could handle for hours.

I'm asking this because I plan on getting a few tattoos soon and I am curious.




  1. take a sleeping pill before you go

  2. Probablly just slightly worse. It mainly hurts afterwords not during. But make sure to check out the place because sometimes tatoo shops don't clean their supplies and that causes inffection on the skin.

  3. Well your getting a needle dragged across your skin.

    what do you think?

  4. The pain really isn't that bad at all....well depending on where you get the tattoo. Some places will hurt more than others.

    I've always thought it was more like a sunburn pain than anything.  

  5. tattoos dont hurt its just a bit it hurt a bit when you do it on bony parts...  its like a needle going in and out your skin try it yourself and see if it hurts... its more or less the same^^

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