
Does getting a tattoo hurt?

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and what should i get?




  1. Yes it hurts but it is not unbearable. Of course, the area of your body you are getting tattooed can make a difference in pain level.

  2. Yes. Some places more than others but nonetheless it will hurt or just be a little uncomfortable.

    And i think getting litle wings on your back would be cute not your lower back tho.

  3. It depends where you get it, if it's a bony place then it will hurt worse.

  4. No.

  5. It depends on the location. Also, what I've noticed is that the pain gradually starts to numb away while you're getting your tattoo. It's not INCREDIBLY painful, more like an annoying pain. Around bone (wrists) and soft spots (side of torso, hands, feet) will hurt more because there are more pain receptors found in these parts of the body.

    Tattoos will last the rest of your life. The pain is temporary.

  6. well kinda all it is is about 5 needles going in you at a very fast rate if you have a good tattoo artist it wont hurt that much

  7. yeah..

    It stings a bit...

    but its worth it. :)

  8. Yes, it hurts.  Some areas hurt worse than others--talk this over with your artist.

    As far as choosing what to get, pick a design that really speaks to you.  This will be a part of you forever, and you should take a lot of care in your choice.

  9. Tattoo's can hurt pretty bad.

    I have a tattoo on my foot that took about 3 hours. and that was probally the most painful tattoo ive had.

    i have a tattoo on my butt. That tattoo did not hurt at all.

    the back of my leg was not too painful except it hurt more towards the back of my knee.

    If you dont know what you should get then you are definatley not ready for a tattoo.

    put some thought into it or you will end up with something stupid that you will regret.

    like a shark on your back or something. (my first tattoo)

    I mean its an awesome shark. but now its going to be there forever.

    so put some thought into it.

    tattoo's are fun!

  10. it is more annoying than painful, but that all depends on your pain tolerance. if you are getting something small, it won't hurt, but if you plan on getting something on the bigger side, it will be more sensitive because it will have to be shaded, coloured, etc. several times.

  11. Not as much as reading either of those questions a thousand times.  The search bar and common sense are your friend.

  12. YES! of course it hurts! you won't die, but it will hurt.

  13. ive seen bodybuilders nearly faint from the pain and ive seen young women laughing and talking through them. it varies with people. :/

  14. Yes, they hurt very much. Some places more than others. Get something that has meaning in your life.

  15. it depends on where you get your how much it hurts.

    i think you should get a peace sign.that will never go out of style.


  16. you shouldn't get a tattoo they are not a good thing to have the rest of your life


    if you dont even know what you want you want,

    how am i supposed to know what you want!?

    i dont even know you.

    but if you really want an opinion maybe you should get

    a star on your wrist just like everyother person who gets a tattoo just for the sake of getting one.  

  18. Not at all it feels like grabbing a razor blade and scraping it on the same piece of skin back and forth.

  19. my friend says it didnt hurt. it may sting yea but after you get the tattoo its goin to itch a lot!

  20. Mine was licked on by kittens...

  21. oh yes!! some people can tolerate pain more than others. there are also certain places on the body that hurt more than others such as getting a tat done on a bone. i got my tattoo on my left arm close to the shoulder. my tattoo artist said that this is the place which hurts the least because it is on a muscle. my best description of the physical sensation would be a needle scratching your skin. actually, it feels EXACTLY like that..

    some painful places would be right on your ankle or wrist. for your first tattoo, i would suggest something small on a less sensitive place. think of something that inspires you, some of your hobbies, maybe even the name of someone dear to your heart who is no longer here.

    good luck and huve fun!!

  22. pain is subjective. they hurt me, my husband fell asleep! it's probably going to hurt but it's nothing you won't make it through.

    as far as what you should get. tattoos should be personal and you should find something that is special to you!  

  23. both questions have been asked a million times

    it's a shame so few people use the search bar

    and it's a shame that just as many people have to ask strangers online what tattoo to get

    1 - needles piercing your skin thousands of times generally isn't pain free

    2 - if you have to ask "what should I get?"

    you shouldn't get a tattoo

  24. ya, it is more like a burn...but it hasn't stopped me!

  25. well yea but it depends where it more painful in certain spots i should know see

  26. Some spots are more painful than others but they all 'hurt' in some way.

    A few of the more painful areas would include the torso (especially the stomach), lower back and spine, and ribs.

    Mostly, I have found that it feels like really bad rug burn.

    I will also add that if you do not know what tattoo you want, you shouldn't get one at all.  It should be something that you have wanted for a long time- and that means a lot to you. 13 year olds on Yahoo answers aren't going to have that sort of insight into your life. Nor should you let them

  27. Don't listen to the people that are saying it hurt so much because they don't. Every ones pain tolerance is different. I have a tattoo on my back shoulder and it didn't hurt me at all. It all depends on where you want your tattoo at. Also when you ask what you should get its all about you, don't have someone else tell you what you should get because you might regret it, don't get a tattoo when your not ready.

    Hope I helped.

  28. Of course!!!

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