
Does getting an amnio test hurt?

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i want to get amnio done so i can see if my baby is really healthy or not. i also want to get a DNA test done from it. how much does the DNA part cost?




  1. While yes it can be dangerous, its not THAT dangerous to a normal baby. There is a blood test done at 20 weeks to check for defects, if that comes back positive then the Dr will suggest an amnio, so its not that terrible, or they wouldn't be done at all.

    In my experience, they don't HURT necessarily, they are uncomfortable though.I agree with your decision to get this done to check for defects

    HOWEVER Dna amnio's are EXTREMELY expensive...a couple grand actually...MUCH cheaper to wait until the baby is born...Besides, no offense but aborting a baby because the baby's dad isn't who you wanted it to be is just selfish...Is the baby is born and isn't your boyfriends and you truely can't get past it put the baby up for adoption.

    I am prochoice as long as there are reason for the abortion, I do not agree with it being used as a form of birth control. And thats what you would be doing if you aborted this baby because you slept with the wrong person. Its not the babies fault who you choose to sleep with. So I beg you, please just wait to do the dna test until the baby is born, it will be cheaper for you, AND the result of the dna test won't change if the baby lives or dies. I have lost two children after they were born and had three miscarriages, I now have two special needs children and I know from experience its hard. I'm 20, so i know its hard when your young as well...But d**n, if you don't want that baby I will take it before I would encourage an abortion for the paternity of the child.

    Good luck hun and I hope this all works out for you.

  2. The amnio carries a risk of 1% miscarriage. That's 1 in every hundred.

    Yes, it hurts a little as the needle passes through the omentum and again as it comes out. But it doesn't last longer than a couple of seconds, but it is intense. Made me jump anyway!

    The amnio cannot tell you if your baby is going to be healthy. It does give an indication of chromosomal errors, such as Edwards and Down syndrome. Also spina bifida. I would recommend talking to your midwife or doctor to get the facts.

    As for the DNA test, I'm sorry, I don't know.

  3. Unless you have a reason to thinking that theres something wrong with your baby, I wouldnt risk it, they can be very dangerous to your baby. They can casue you to lose it and to cause damage to your baby even if it was fine before. However, they are not suppost to hurt that bad, just be a bit uncomfortable.

  4. Yes it hurts and it can cause miscarriage. Don't get one if you don't have to. Sometimes the risk of damage to the fetus from the amnio is greater than the risk your baby is not normal even with poor family history.  

  5. An ultrasound will do well enough, to tell you baby is healthy... As for whoever needs to know 'Who's the daddy?', well, they can wait 9 months, or however long you have... The risk (even slight) of miscarriage, is not worth it.

  6. They numb the outside of your belly, and you feel pressure and alittle sting, but not to bad.  And it depends on where you are getting it done at as to the cost of DNA testing.  But you can get half the cost from the father if he isn't helping you out.  They do amnio's all the time.  The doctor will tell you the risks and everything.  But if your worried about your baby's health, then do it.  The DNA can always wait til after he/she is born.  

  7. I don't know about how much the DNA test costs but you are aware of the high risk with amnio's right?  I mean the only 2 woman in my family that had it done ended up losing their babies because of it because it puts you at risk of miscarriage afterwards.  So unless there is a good reason for you to do it I would just wait.  

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