
Does getting braces hurt?

by Guest59028  |  earlier

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I'm getting mine put this Saturday. I want to know.




  1. Not really getting them on

    but a few hours after you start to get sore!

    It tastes kind of bad! but you'll be fine! trust me!

    It will only  hurt for about 3 or 4 days! SMOOTHIES!!!!

    You will feel funny after too! but soon enough you wont even know they are there!

    Congrats and good luck!

  2. I just got my braces tightened yesterday, but getting them at first doesn't hurt until the next day. Its not your teeth that hurt but your gums get very sore and sensitive to hard food, hot food, and cold food. What causes mine to hurt the worst are the rubber bands that you get...Though not everyone gets them.

  3. no but it will be sore the next day. It doesnt hurt when they are putting it on.

  4. nopee doesnt hurt a bitt! :) -- usually hurts after 5 hours after theyre put on.

    Advice: just get some advil right after and you wont feel a thing! :)

    icecream helps too  

  5. I got mine put just a few hours ago. ( five hours ago i think ). It did not hurt when the dentist was putting them on. About three hour later my teeth started to hurt. My teeth still hurt now.

    So yeah . Braces do hurt.

  6. At first when you get braces, it's a little uncomfortable, but not really painful.  The first couple of times, it shouldn't hurt very much although your mouth may be a bit tender and chewing hard things may not be in your best interest.  However, after a few adjustments, depending on how much your teeth shift, it can be painful while and/or after they adjust them.  Eating will be uncomfortable for a few days following...but it is nothing excruciating.

  7. they hurt like 1~2hrs aftr u get them so u want to eat soft foods and have tylenol or advil but then after tht u can basicallly eat anything but have to be carefull but other then tht then prob. nottttttttt

  8. not at first but once you get them tightened

    and it depends on if your teeth are really bad or not.

  9. When they place the brackets on your teeth no but once your done getting the braces you will feel pain about 30 -40 mins later but not too bad

  10. It won't hurt getting them on. But right after, you'll feel the pressure on your teeth.

    It'll hurt the next few days. Stick to hot and/or soft foods... that's what I did. You can always take some advil or tylonol if it really hurts. I'd reccomend the Advil Liquid Gels because they work the fastest.

    For the first few times you get them tightened, it'll be the same thing.

  11. i have had braces for 5 years..

    ive had everything you can possibly have during

    having braces.

    anyone that tells you getting them on hurts is a liar.

    the only thing that hurts is when your getting something

    tightened or pulled together; but all you have to do is

    take some tylenol and the headache goes right away.

    but after its all over, the headaches are definately

    worth it. the best feeling when the orthodontist

    says your next visit is when your getting them off.

    then you feel releived and soon you will have a perfect smile:)

    trust me; its worth it.  

  12. usually when you get them tightened the hurt, oh and also when you get your spacers the week before they place on your braces

  13. I thought the spacers hurt the most. But no it will only be sore for a week or so.

  14. not when you get them but at night they feel sore

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