
Does getting braces hurt???

by Guest11095  |  earlier

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does it hurt getting them??

and any tips and advice? im getting them soon):




  1. When you first get then, yes it hurts. But then you get used to it so it doesn't really bother you after a while.

  2. No, it just feels uncomfortable. It took like an hour or two to get mine on. You'll get used to them in time.

    Just wear the rubber bands they give you and you'll be all set.


  3. i have had braces for almost two years. the procedure doesnt hurt. but after a while you get some pain ill admit. but my teeth were really really bad so i had alot of pain, but its the pain of pressure. my tips are to not worry too much and just eat soft foods when you first get them. but im a total pig, and eating is fun (lol) so when i first got them i ate like i didnt even have them xD good luck! its not really that bad. and just listen to what the orthodontist says and follow their directions, and ask them questions if you have any. i think that talking to your orthodontist will really help, after all they know best.  

    (the part that hurt the most was getting the spacers. but other than that, dont sweat it. it will be all worth it. you'll run into having pain once in a while, but you'll get used to it. again, GOOD LUCK!)

    wow that was long

    i hope i helped!


  4. yer, quite a bit.

    for me it was more of an ache though, and it went a few days after they were put in, and came back when they got tightend for a few days again

  5. at the begining they hurt

    when the stuff that holds ur teeth in place starts to soften

    but after that it doesnt hurt

    well sometimes when u get them tightened it might hurt for a day or two.

  6. Not really, you get used to the pressure  

  7. like a *****

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