
Does getting your blood taken hurt?

by  |  earlier

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I have to have my blood taken for tests on my blood, because my doctor feels the need to test my blood, and the last time I have my blood taken was when I was twelve and they numbed my arm for me. This time they will not numb my arm and I am actually more scared than I have been in a while.

I know the procedure with the tourniquet, and then the need part. And I am fine with needles, and I don't mind shots, but I am still nervous.

I suppose I just need reassuring, because when I type it out I feel less nervous, but when I think about it I become very uncomfortable.




  1. It will feel different than a shot, more like a poke, and before you know it several vials of blood can be taken.  I would suggest that you talk to the nurse, tell her how nervous you are, then ask her to tell you step by step what is going on.  It is ok if you turn your head the other way and do not watch; that helps some people.  Really, a shot can feel worse than this.  Tell yourself that this will not take longer than a few minutes and it will be over.  Sing your favorite song in your head, and the procedure most likely will be over before you finish the song!  Wishing you well.

  2. It shouldn't hurt anymore than a shot, it's just a quick prick of the arm and it doesn't really hurt anymore. Some say it feels strange, but it doesn't hurt. Also make sure to have some sugar after the blood is taken (assuming its a large amount of blood) so you don't pass out from low blood sugar.

  3. It depends on the needles they use....since you're getting your blood taken then they should use a butterfly which is extremely small. Anything larger is usually used for IV's. The part that freaks me out is when they put the tournequet on me because it makes me lose some feeling in my arms....but don't worry it really is ok, just try to get a good lab tech who won't miss. I've noticed that someone who sticks fast is usually less painful than someone who sticks slow....just my opinion though.

  4. I am a CCMA I have a certification in Phlebotomy

    I am  NOT going to lie to you

    It does hurt sometimes depending on the technician doing it... Especially if they remove the needle quickly or continuously move it around if they do not hit the vein on the first try...If the Tech Does this it is really not acceptable and you can ask them to remove it get a fresh needle and start over..

  5. Don't worry hunni. It is just a little prick, and you can either watch or don't watch. don't tighten up your arm or jerk away, just keep your arm, loose, and talk about something. You will be fine. Good luck. Hope I helped.

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