
Does getting your braces off hurt?

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Does getting your braces off hurt?




  1. Nope.

    But you're teeth will feel very slippery.

    It goes away within about a week. :)

  2. im not sure, i hear it doesn't hurt, but i still have at least 6 months left minumum. I have had them for a year and a half already.

    GOOD LUCK geting your off

  3. its not hurting, if done properly

  4. it hurts like the day after...well it doesnt 'hurt' its more like sore...but when u get them of then it doesnt hurt just the day after its sore

  5. it didnt for me.

    but when they were off

    my teeth felt so smooth


    it has been almost a year since they have been off

    but remember to wear the retainers

    i learned my lesson.


  6. hahaha, some of these people have such funny answers.

    no, it shouldn't hurt.

    if anything, it'll just feel like when they change the bands on each bracket, how it feels like they're gonna pull a tooth out, like not painful, just lotsa pressure.

    and also, your teeth will feel so slimy!

    hahaha everyone i know who's gotten braces off constantly licks their teeth.

    and i'm sure it feels great without the brackets tearing up the insides of your cheeks day after day.

  7. nope feels refreshing

  8. Didnt hurt at all....but my teeth felt really slippery for about a week...

  9. when i got mine off it hurt really bad..

    and later in the day my teeth were sore too

  10. i dont know but i am getting my braces off in 6 days!!!! yay! i am so excited, and i also asked that question and from most people's responses, my friends and Yahoo! users, they said no your teeth just feel "slimy"

  11. Its doesnt really hurt when they are pulling them off but later in the day your teeth will hurt. If you want to minimize the pain take an ipeprohen before you go to your othadontist

  12. No, I panicked before I got them off. I thought they were going to hurt just as much as when I got them put on. They are fine though - although they feel a little uncomfortable for  a few hours, but that is mainly the retainer / plate.

    Good luck - and congrats on having them off =]

  13. It doesn't hurt. If anything you'll feel pressure, but you shouldn't feel any pain. The most uncomfortable part is when they clean your teeth, just like a normal cleaning. You'll be so excited to get them off, you probably won't notice it anyway! Good luck and Congrats!!

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