
Does getting your ear pierced through the cartilage hurt?

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I'm thinking of getting my ear pierced at the top, but have been told its really sore to heal because its cartilage, is it really bad? Also, how likely is it that the piercing would become infected?





  1. the actual piercing isnt bad at all , its the healing that hurts . Its slow to heal b/c its little to no blood flow up there .

    It may be infected depending on how clean you keep it and how you wear your hair  

  2. Mine never really healed. It was always sore. I liked it a lot so I dealt with it for about two years and then let it seal. But it never got infected.  

  3. yea it hurts! as long as you keep it clean and twist the earring regularly it shouln't get infected. I had mine done 12 years ago and it hurt for ages but i kept it in and its been fine ever since.

  4. it throbs i wouldnt say it hurts alot tho, hurts more healing

  5. Don't worry about the pain of the piercing too much - it does hurt a little, but not much more than getting your earlobe pierced, and it's over in less than a second anyway!

    It does take a bit longer to heal than a lobe piercing - cartilage piercings take around 6 weeks or so to heal. It may take longer if you're ill as your body's immune system is responsible for the healing. It can get a bit annoying while it's healing as it's sore - but after a couple of days to a week it shouldn't be particularly sore unless you knock it.

    During the healing, try to sleep on the other side to the piercing in order to not irritate it, and bathe it once or twice a day with salt water or something like savlon. It's really important not to fiddle with it apart from when you're cleaning it - turn it round gently once or twice and then don't touch it. Fiddling increases the chance of infection. And most definetely do NOT change it before 6 or so weeks.

    Finally, make sure you get it pierced at a reputable place, and make sure they use sterile equipment. And ask them about the healing process - if they're decent they should be able to answer all of your questions.

    Hope this helps :)

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