
Does getting your labor induced hurt?

by Guest59129  |  earlier

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Does getting your labor induced hurt?




  1. I hope not.......but I don't think so

  2. Most people say the labor induced contractions hurt worse but if you have never been in labor before you wont have anything to compare it to so you wont know if you are in more pain or not.  

  3. Well, labor hurts in general!  But, yes, induced labor is more intense.  I had pitocin and my contractions were brutal.  But everything went faster, I delivered in 3 hours.  I fell asleep between each contraction, so the time went by pretty quickly (which helped me go drug-free).  But, don't hesitate to ask for an epidural if you need one!!

  4. I was 9 days late when I got induced.  It didn't hurt to actually "get" induced, but the contractions were GOD AWFUL!  My second baby I went all natural and I was 2 days early.  My contractions I had at 4cm with baby number 1 felt like the contractions I had when I was getting ready to push my second baby out.   The contractions are alot more painful when I got induced.   I would definitely get ready for an epidural... i did.  I don't mean to scare you but that's the truth.  Hope it helps.  

  5. no it doesnt hurt to get induced i've been induced 4 times...after they break ur water ur contractions will get painful then its time for the epidural its a life saver..good luck!

  6. it doesn't hurt when they break ur waters but the contractions were horrible!  being my first child i dont know if had i gone onto labour naturally, that it would have been better or worse!

  7. Yes it does hurt.Its the real deal even if you didnt "Go into labor by yourself" Its ALL the same feeling!! :)  

  8. I was induced all three times, so I don't really have "natural labor" to compare it to.  Being induced is uncomfortable because medicines are MAKING your body do something that it doesn't want to do yet.

    I did get all the way from 1 cm to 5 cm dilated by myself with our third.  The day before being induced, I was in a lot of pain.  I assume its because I was in early labor (dilated 4 cm in less than 24 hours).  They still induced me the next day as planned though.  At least when I was in labor on my own (I think), I could still walk around and do what I needed to do.  Once I was being induced, you're strapped to that bed the rest of the time.  Not fun.

  9. i had to be induced with our first...currently pregnant with #2.....the induction does not hurt...apparently the contractions aer supposed to be much stronger, but i knew nothing different since it was my first and did it all without anything for medication and to be honest i didn't find it all that bad.....i did a lot of walking with my husband around the hospital and i think that might have helped too!!   hope this answer helps you out some.

  10. yes. It doesn't hurt when they break the bag of waters, but the contractions with the  pitocin are real strong.   The epidural is a lifesaver.  

  11. Well, labor hurts. The actual experience of getting it induced doesn't have an individual and unique pain, necessarily, but the pitocin most definitely makes contractions stronger and more painful.

    Basically any method they would use in a hospital to induce labor is going to cause your body to go into overdrive if it works, which means that you're going to be experiencing harder contractions closer together. But they have some really excellent painkillers for labor, so there's that at least!

  12. I had one pitocin induced (started at 0 dilation) labor and the contractions were constant and terrible, and two natural drug free labors that were a million times easier.

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