
Does getting your lip peirced hurt?

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  1. i have one Labret piercing and it did not hurt at all

    but funny story

    she pierced it put the ring in but it didnt wanna go in

    so she tried moving the ring around but it still didnt work

    so she had to put the neddel in my lip to try it again

    still didnt work so shes all "lets do this the easy way"

    put the neddel in it one last time (hella numb from the first 2 times)

    left to go get a different one and size

    then finally put it in

    so i basically i got pierced 3 times hella blood

    and honestly it hurt more when she grabbed it with the pincher things to hold my lip

    it felt like i bit my lip thats it

    2 seconds and no more pain

    but it all depend on how you take pain

    it was really easy for me even having her stick the needle in 3 times. lol

    it was worth it

    this is what it looks like right after

    notice no swelling even tho she did it 3 times

    ha dont mind the face

    its a silly one i know

    but if you really want it and think you can take 2 seconds of biting your lip then do it

    good luck let me know how it goes.



    links on my yahoo answers

  2. well, lets think about this shall we.  You are getting a whole put through your skin and what ever is inside a lip. Do you think it would hurt???? If you are saying yes, then good job cuz i know that question was a toughy.

  3. Uhm duh :]

    it will hurt until it has fully healed unless you get it infected.

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