
Does giving stars do anything for you?

by Guest62198  |  earlier

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Do you get anything when you star someone or is just showing the person who asked the question that you are interesting. Also does it help you if you get a star? Just curious. Also I'm the creator of the Difference Between Game here and I just picked the best answer from the last round which means I have the two new wrestlers for the next round. Look for it today or tomorrow. Try and guess who I am choosing.

WQ: Did the opinions of others on here influence you're opinion on any wrestlers. Like say you liked cena but when so many people hated on him here did you start to hate him?

Star if you like!




  1. No. People make a big deal about this answers category. They report eachother, say everyone else is cheating, and bash eachother just because they think they know more than the other, when in reality, if you think Kane, Matt Hardy, John Cena, and Batista are good wrestlers(Almost everyone here does) you really dont know much about wrestling.

    Not really. I mean, kinda, I read a lot of interesting points for intelligent wrestling fans, and it does sway my opinions in areas of wrestling, but from an overall standpoint, my ideas are pretty concrete.  

  2. I think on some level, people get Satisfaction from getting stars, i dont really care if i get them or not. They dont do anything. Well, im wrong, when people star, others contacts can see and and answer your question. Besides that, they do nothing for me. Im not fond of people who constantly beg for stars. Its kinda pointless. I tend to star my contacts questions, so my other contacts can see and give their opinions or i star if i think its a really good question. I think some people star these days because their being nice, some to suck up to increase their chances of Best Answer, some do it randomly.

    WQ// Nope. Never. Its like, i get hated on alot here for being a fan of Jeff Hardy, yet ive never stopped liking him. Its my opinion and its my opinion for a good reason. If people cannot respect that then fine. Everyones entitled to their own. Somebody elses opinion should not change yours. I like Cena. Im not big on him and im far from hating him. The haters have not changed my opinion. The haters on Jeff Hardy haven't either. Some people do get influenced on opinions here. I've seen it myelf. Like, when people found out Batista cheated on his wife when she had cancer, i saw 'omg i liked Batista but now he sucks'...its kind of dissapointing how some people will let other people influence or change your opinion. It just annoys me when people dont respect your point of view.

    Edit - Lmao. Dont worry, i know you dont beg for stars, infact, i think this is the first time i've ever seen you ask. Atleast you gave the option. The words 'plz star' make me mad xD

    I was going to star you either way, so my contacts can see and answer too.

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