
Does glasses improve your eyes?

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I've been wearing glasses for a few years now, but for the past 2 years, i had to get new glasses because my eye sight has been getting worse little by little. So my questiong is, does wearing your glasses all the time help at all? or does it makes it worse. I tend to try to take them of when i don't need them.




  1. There are many myths about the link of wearing glasses and how they can affect your vision. These, however, have not been proven.

    Wearing glasses will stabilise your vision and slow down the progression significantly. Not wearing them will just make them work harder than they need to, straining them, thus they will worsen faster when this can be avoided.

  2. This same question has been asked hundreds of times, and answered here by Optometrists, 0pthalmologists and Opticians.

    Wearing your glasses or not has nothing to do with your vision changing.

    Glasses only help you see better when you have them on. All they can do is focus the light coming into your eye.

    Glasses cannot change the shape of your eye, but the shape of your eye is what is causing the visual problem you have.

    It doesn't matter whether you wear them 24/7 or never wear them at all...your eyes will change if they are going to, regardless.

    I don't know where the nurse got the information that your glasses will improve your sight by wearing them ,and that it will decline if you don't ,  but that is false.

    Then another responder tells you there are many myths...then pushes one of his own.

    You are still growing, so your eyes will change, you can't help, or stop that from happening.

    Your glasses only give you comfortable vision, they don't heal it, nor can they change it.

  3. No, by wearing glasses the sight becomes 6/6 and further decay can be saved.If the glasses are not weared,there is headache

  4. Hello Jason.....the only time glasses MAY help improve eyes is if you are very young (2-3 years old), and they are prescribed for a very specific reason and the strengthening they give will improve the sight.

    However, by the time you are old enough to use this site, glasses are meant to improve the eyesight, not heal the eyesight.  If you do not wear them as you should, (all your waking hours unless they are prescribed only for reading), your eyesight will continue to decline.

    It is too bad, but that is a fact of life.  The seriousness of your eye health would dictate more clearly if you would be allowed to leave them off for periods of time.  I would discuss this with your optometrist if I were you.

    Generally as you grow older (usually in your 40s) is when you will probably need to consider bifocals (lineless are wonderful) because your lens in your eyes do not focus up close and far away with any speed like they do when you are young.  You just will not be able to look at distances and then look closely, or read without your vision being blurry.

    There are also many different laser surgeries available today that can help so many, many vision problems that used to require glasses.  Please discuss these also with your optometrist.  You will need to go to an ophthalmologist for these procedures.

    Good luck

    I am an RN

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