
Does glasses weaken your vision over time?

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I went to the eye doctor today and the doctor has given me prescription glasses. I'm 15 years old and my left eyes are 20/50 and my right is 20/20. If my eyes get weaker than how long will it take? and should i wear my glasses alot?




  1. wearing your glasses will not damage your vision in any way or make you dependant on your glasses. it depends on what your rx is for. if they are only for reading, i would only use them to read, do homework, computer work, etc. if they are distance only glasses, you can wear them all the time. however, if you only want to wear them to see the board at school, theres nothing wrong with that. its really up to you how much you want to wear them. your right eye is probably compensating for the worsened vision in your left eye, so you probably dont have much blurry vision.

    people's eyes change all the time, and at different rates. you will probably see the most drastic changes until you are in your early 20s. after that it should level off. some people's eyes can change in 3 months, but some dont change for 10 years, so its hard to say when yours will change and how bad your eyes will get.

  2. your eyes changes as u grow then when your an adult your eyes shouldnt change as much as u were growing. i am 17 w glasses. i need new one lol

  3. actually they say if you wear your glasses regularly your eyes will get better... since you are not straining to see they can get better

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