
Does globalisation make the world more peacful?

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Does globalisation make the world more peacful?




  1. Some would say that globalization has destroyed the world.  Individuality has all but disappeared, humanity has evaporated into the polluted air.  Globalization has increased stress via information overload and economic disparity, caused confusion among the average citizen,  and added economic woes to the world. The rich of the world run the world, the lower classes see how oppressed they are.  Disaster is waiting to happen, and happen it will.

  2. No. Globalization just accelerates the world.

    Loving your neighbor makes the world more peaceful.

  3. To an extent, yes.  Countries that are economically bound to one another are more likely to work and disputes out diplomatically because the loss of trade between the two could cause their own economies to falter.  But if the dispute is too large or the populus turns against the disputed country, there is no doubt going to be trouble on the horizen.

  4. Globalisation , now used only as an economic term.

    With nations, Economy tends to have the decisions only with double standards.Double standard never brings Peace.

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