
Does god take revenge on the gross injustice done by an acquaintance,to a honest & sincere family man?

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an acquaintance of past 17 yrs,has done gross injustice to an extremely honest and sincere family man. My dad underwent gross injustice,on the hands of his raw material supplier (a vendor) who snatched away the entire empire my dad created with his own hands.This wretched man,befooled him and did not honour the committments made to him; as my dad was a man of word.He followed the principals of truth,honesty and always honoured his words.This wretched man not only snatched our business empire from my dad,but also humilated him on several occasions.This led my dad to severe depression, and ultimately he ended his life.His last note,revealed that it was because of this wretched acquaintance (the vendor) who had broken his trust and not committed to his words, that he is ending his life.

I ask, if god does really exist, then when will he take revenge for the gross injustice done to my dad,my family...God will have to show his presence by taking revenge from our side on this wretched man..




  1. Your father took his own life?  According to my religion, he commited a sin.  This man who did the injustice.... believe that his time will come.  Don't be bitter the more you and your family stay bitter . . . so will it rip at your own souls and lives.  Just live the lives you have and maybe re-build the empire your father created.  Don't be blinded by hate... that won't get you anywhere in fact you are giving that guy a great compliment because you are making your life surrounded by him.

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