People have this problem where they want to be in control of their lives constantly, in how they think , and take actions. But this causes us to become narrow minded, because we get so warped up in small things that we can't see the whole picture.
God says he wants us to belief in him, but what does that really mean? Does it mean that we acknowledge that he's there. If that's so, what does it accomplish? It makes more sense that we should belief in god as in to trust him with our lives. It makes sense because if we trust in god that he will make everything alright, then we wouldn't have to be control freaks. That's good right! I mean god doesn't do anything in Torah or a or the Quran or the Bible for himself. Mainly what he tells us in these books is for our own good.
I am not saying that believing in god means you can be lazy, but it means you don't have to pressure yourself over things. You can take things head on with a clear mind believing that no matter what everything will be alright. I know when I approach things like that, I perform a lot better, because I don't let myself be blinded by useless pressure.
Well this is my perspective. I would like to hear from anyone. Express your ideals, vision, and perspective to