
Does going green mean your head is rotting?

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look I know that Al Gore and few other have perpetuated this myth that the world is going to end any day now but have any of you actually looked into the science behind all this c**p.

The facts are that Global Warming is a natural part of the earth's environmental cycle and WE ARE IN AN ICE AGE right now so of course it is going to get warmer. Human beings are incredibly arrogant, did you know that we contribute less than .06 percent of the total greenhouse gases that are being introduced into the environment the real sources of greenhouse gases are volcanoes and glaciers. Did you also know that despite the fact that we are in a warming period the polar ice caps are actually growing, the only part that is shrinking is one section of Antarctica that has moved to close to the equator. Did you know that not one of the celebrities has done the scientific research?

did you know that the only reason to go green is because gas prices are to high and buying a hybrid makes economic sense




  1. People man made co2 is insignificant compared to natural made co2. I am a skeptic and i often argue like this guy. If sea levels rise its cause of either the expansion of water ie the sea due to tempreture changes IN THE WATER which takes hundreds and thousands of years because the sea is that big. Or the relationship between the sea and the land which has more to do with the land rising or falling then the sea. It has been hotter in the past like in the medieval warming period and the holecene maximum in the bronze age and the polar bears have survived it! all the animals survived it! how do we know? well there all here with us today aren't they(don't count the dodo and tazzy tiger)?

    Guess what? 80% of the Earth's oxigen doesn't come from trees!

    co2 is only 0.054% of the Earth's atmosphere and its a minor green house gass so don't go all on about some poisens need less then 0.00001 to kill you because those are extremely potent. CO2 is a MINOR green house gass. Out of that 0.054% our contribution is EXTREMELY small because naturaly made co2 from exhaling from animals+us and when vegetation rots and decays theres also when volcanos erupt and THE SEA. The sea releases ENORMOUS amounts of co2 when its hot and it absorbes it when its cold. So you know when you see the correlation between co2 and tempreture might be really close? well what if CO2 is the product of climate change? not the other way around?


  2. "February 16, 2008

    Arctic Sea Ice Sees 'Significant Increase' in Size Following 'Extreme Cold'

    Thomas Lifson

    The ultraliberal CBC reports a truth that is mighty inconvenient for Al Gore.

    There's an upside to the extreme cold temperatures northern Canadians have endured in the last few weeks: scientists say it's been helping winter sea ice grow across the Arctic, where the ice shrank to record-low levels last year. Temperatures have stayed well in the -30s C and -40s C range since late January throughout the North, with the mercury dipping past -50 C in some areas. Satellite images are showing that the cold spell is helping the sea ice expand in coverage by about 2 million square kilometres, compared to the average winter coverage in the previous three years. "It's nice to know that the ice is recovering," Josefino Comiso, a senior research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Branch of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland, told CBC News on Thursday. [...] Winter sea ice could keep expanding. The cold is also making the ice thicker in some areas, compared to recorded thicknesses last year, Lagnis added. "The ice is about 10 to 20 centimetres thicker than last year, so that's a significant increase," he said. If temperatures remain cold this winter, Langis said winter sea ice coverage will continue to expand.

    Will somebody please tell all the schoolchildren frightened by nightmares of drowning polar bears that Al Gore unnecessarily scared them?"

  3. No, I don't think going green means you are nuts in the head.

    There is a finite amount of natural resources.  The population is exploding, and standards of living in developing nations is quickly rising.  Higher standards of living means more "stuff" such as cars, food, electricity, and other infrastructure.  To be able to accomodate all of these people, it makes sense to do so intelligently, rather than wastefully.  Pollution isn't just bad for the planet, it's bad for people.  Living in polluted cities is bad for your health.  Mexico city has some of the worst air pollution on earth, just because of cars.  That isn't healthy for the humans living there.  It would be good if cars (and factories etc) could be designed to pollute less.  Water pollution is another big problem.  Toxic runoff can travel deep into the soil and contaminate ground water, harming people.

    There are TONS of reasons to go green besides attempting to prevent global warming.

  4. I'm a supporter of 'going green', to a point.  Recycling puts less demand on our resources, and keeping our air and water as clean as we can is a good thing.  But none of this has anything to do with global warming.  I am a denier of the 10th degree about global warming, and see it as a monumental scam and waste of money.  There is a lot of corruption with global warming.  The globe isn't warming, and the climate is not changing.  Of that I am certain.  But it's only common sense to be somewhat green (I hate that 'green' term).  It'll just make things better for us all.

  5. you're right, individual efforts yield little in the way of overall results.

    One of two things are going to happen:

    1) The entire planet will eventually, collectively seek systematic ways to utilize resources effectively, and operate in conjunction with nature.

    2) Nature will correct the imbalance by reducing the human population.

    Whichever happens, there isn't one blessed thing that you or I can do about it.

  6. I agree, humans are an arrogant lot.  But I feel that the collective body of evidence supporting the theory of global climate change is compelling, no matter what Al Gore says.  If this is c**p, this c**p has ramifications like no other c**p ever has.

    I'll share some links on the Larsen B that might be of interest to you.  Try to peruse them carefully and reflect on the information within.  

    Whether any celebrites have done scientific research is irrelevant to most.  Living a sustainable lifestyle has many benefits.  Reducing the impact on the planet is just one of them, but it's one with benefits future generations can enjoy.

  7. yupp, pretty much.

  8. Who is Al Gore

    What is Global Warming

    I advocate going green because of what is happening to the Environment

    and Nature and the Animals

    the contamination,the deforestation.the desertification

    Air ,Soil and water pollution.

    Your text appears to be an elaborate way of evading the responsibility to avoid having to make changes ,

    Which after all is for the sake of All,

    I think that is called anti social.

    and look at the world map .the ice is NOT growing

    Go look for Glaziers in the Alps

    The basic rule of rants ,according to Hitler was ,that they should at least have half truths in it .to be successful.

    The water in areas of melting ice ,and the animals and fish that live there have high toxic amounts of mercury in them ,because this has become concentrated as it was locked in ice and is now in the waters.

    this is a full truth

    But who amongst you is after the truth

    i can expect a lot of thumbs down judging by the other answers

    go on give it to me

    I can take it.

  9. "Human beings are incredibly arrogant"

    Haha, you're funny. But yeah, you proved your point.

    No, we aren't in an ice age. We have been coming out of it for  a while slowly, but humans have accelerated the process. It's the combination that is going to prove to be a problem.

    "Did you know that not one of the celebrities has done the scientific research?"

    And where's your research?

  10. Dude. Do some research. We're not coming out of an ice age (1)(2).

    Did you realise that 1ml of nicotine can kill? That's far less that 0.0001% of your body's liquids, but it still kills. Just because something is small doesn't mean it can't have a big effect.

    The ice caps are not growing. The arctic is shrinking considerably(3). And so is the antartic (4).

    Who cares about celebrities? It's what the scientists are saying that matters, and there hasn't been a peer reviewed paper refuting that human-caused climate change is happening in years.

  11. I wouldn't say it's a sign of's more like Hummer envy, judging by the suggested "remedies".

  12. AGW killed the 4 Boy Scouts!

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