
Does going to a Post-Graduate school make it easier to get into college?

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I'm going to be senior this year. And my grades aren't good enough to let me get into the schools i want to go to. Going to a PG prep school after i graduate HS help me get into college better?




  1. it would but i would do 2 years at a community college and make it your life getting like a 3.5 or above cumulative with way above 28 credits.

    than a lot of colleges would admit you  

  2. Not necessarily. It depends on you, what you didn't do well in, the prep school and what you can do there. Let's face it, iof u didn't do that well in high school you're not going to do a PG year at a top prep school. Can a year on hard work and better grades help? Sure, if you're aiming at realistic colleges. It won't get you into top schools but it will help at some schools.  

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