
Does going vegetarian stunt your growth?

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  1. No.

  2. No it does not

  3. No, I was born and raised a vegetarian and now I'm the 2nd tallest in my family, only after my brother(vegetarian).

  4. Vegetarian Times once did an article about a study that had been done comparing veggie kids to their meat eating counter parts.  the veggies were all at least 10% taller, & missed less days of school due to illness.

    Also i know it does NOT stunt growth because i have 4 sons all raised veggie all over 6feet tall and 2 daughters one 6 feet tall and the other about 5'10".  when the boys were in high school 3 of 4 were lettermen in 3 sports for all 4 yrs in high school and the girls one was a cheerleader for 3 yrs the other lettered in Track for 3 yrs.  again no being a healthy veggie will not stunt your growth.  lotz of love - a veggie Mom - in your cornor.

  5. OMG, the only accusation that never been made by meaters before. How u get this idea? Your delusion is superb!

  6. NO

  7. I would be really hesitant to raise children vegetarian. Then again maybe they will turn out to be runts and not give me a hard time. Hmmm...

  8. Nope. I have a friend that's veggie and she's [tall].

    I'd give myself as an example, but I come from a naturally short family =/

  9. No, why would it do that?

  10. No, silly!

    Many of the most prominent health experts state that a vegetarian diet is the best thing that we can do for our health. If that is so, then why would vegetarianism cause your growth to stunt?

    Good luck =)

  11. if you take enough vitamins to replace not eating meat.

  12. No. Vegetables are good for you and if anything they help.

    But no being a vegetarian doesn't stunt your growth.Stop worrying my dear.

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