
Does good education and knowing alot of things make a person attractive?

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In what way?





  1. Well, I consider myself a very smart guy compared to most people. And very much and intellectual.

    And I don't think I really attracted women that much.


  2. I think this depends on the stage of life someone is in.  

    I remember being in high school and the only guys I was interested in was the ones who were physically attractive, because of that outer skin.  I did not care if they had any potential, any hobbies, etc... it was only based on looks.

    After many years of meeting a variety of guys, friends and other wise.... I realize that there is more to a person that just their looks.  And I have definitely become attracted to intelligent guys, because they are interesting to talk to, and have meaningful conversations.

    So, I mentioned the two view points above... because some people never get beyond the looks when seeking a partner.  It does not matter how smart they are, how much knowledge they know... they only care about the physical.  In most cases you cannot change these people.   You just have to realize and know that there are more fish in the sea, and you will find one who loves you for your intelligence as well.

    Thanks for reading!

  3. ...if the other person thinks so...YES..

    ...reasons only the other person can answer...

  4. it all depends on the individual

    as long as the person is a respectful, loving person....nothing else should stand in the that goes to say if this certain person is smart, dumb, or anything in between, you shouldn't judge them.  

  5. It does not make them more attractive it just makes them a lot more interesting! looks are important but who wants to marry a boring person?

  6. nah, it just makes them interesting.

  7. Its not what you know its what you do with what you know.

    To some kindness is attractive.

    To others education is attractive

    to yet others straight looks and money.

    For me personally? I have to say educated and truly compassionate.

    Who do you want to be stuck in a jam with? Who would you trust your life and your childs life with? Has not a lot to do with education, but heart and soul.

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