
Does government make money, or have only what it takes from its citizens?

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We'll know how doomed we are after we get several answers.




  1. It depends on which government you're talking aout.

    Sensible, numerate and economically intelligent governments like Russia,Singapore, China, Indonesia now, and many others have government financial managers running governmental corporations.

    Many developing nations have learnt from the stupidity of the West and have their own Sovereign Funds which now control massive amounts of capital.

    Their tax base is almost completely industry rather than individual PAYE.

    Gazprom is a good example of a massive State industry that's fully profitable.

    PT Antam, PT PLN, PT BukiT, PT Cakratunggal are all Indonesia massive National mining corporations, commodities and and steel industries- fully profitable and major contributors to Idnoensia's national treasury.

    Singapore Governments' sovereign fund manager Temasek Holdings turned the nation into one of the wealthiest on the planet

    The Chinese government recently purchased Blackrock Investments- one of Wall Streets' hotshot investment firms. Bao Steel- the world's largest steel plant- is Chinese government owned.

    See- in these nations- the voters don't elect farcking retards into positions of power- unlike the US and UK- if you don't earn money for the nation- you're out the door, sometimes with a bullet between the eyes.

  2. YES the government does both. It takes our money, and when it spends too much... it prints more to save it's butt

    It's called inflation. It happens at an average 3% a year. You can add that to the average 20% that they take from your paycheck every 2 weeks.

  3. The govt prints money but does not make money that is why they have taxes. The only govt institution that makes money is the Post Office.

  4. From what I hear they make money on Tariffs on trade.

    I also heard our Income tax goes to the federal reserve to pay the interest on the money they print.

    Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin talk about getting rid of the income tax and the IRS. They say our government would still have plenty of money to run off of from Tariffs.

  5. They also give themselves raises whenever they want.  Lovely system we have

  6. Believe it or not there are some small sources of revenue generating programs for the federal government.  Let's remember I said SMALL.

    The largest revenue generated by the government is through taxation in one form or another.

    Since you did not differentiate make and manufacture, yes the government and make / manufacture all the money it wants.  The paper will have little value though.

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