
Does governments monopoly on power make it almost impossible to do much about Global Warming/Pollution?

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A citizenship in pain must be allowed to find answers or go insane trying. Some say this society is a complete failure from everything to sewage and water mixing, disposable containers, automobile exhaust, etc. etc. Whereas many years ago, we had almost none of the above.




  1. You are wrong to say that, "many years ago, we had almost none of the above". 50 years ago we had MORE of the above, and it has been largely cleaned up since then. If you think it is bad now you should have seen 1960.

  2. Global warming is not man made.  The Earth goes through cycles and this is perfectly normal.  I think it is kind of immature to believe that WE as humans have that much of an impact on the Earth.  I am not denying our influence, but in the end, nature always wins.  So relax... :)

  3. Sure - Even the democrats gave billions in corporate welfare to oil and coal corporations.  Only fools believe gvmt can solve problems.

    Capitalism is the solution.  Imagine if you had a choice in your power company.  No doubt you would choose to get your power from the greenest producer even if it cost you a few more pennies.

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