
Does green tea help mask THC during a urine drug test?

by Guest62530  |  earlier

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I know this has been asked a million times on here, but I don't care, I can't find a straight up answer. I know I shouldn't smoke. I quit on Saturday, but I didn't know my job would make me take a drug test. I've been drinking a ton of green tea and water for the past four days. Help :)




  1. Nope.. green tea wont help.. you have to drink something acidic that wiil change the Ph level in your urine like distilled vinegar or orange juice etc..

  2. IS your name MR ,PHELPS.? our search engine shows that this is comming out of BEJING.....FREEZEEE...DONT PRESS THE DELETE BUTTON..

  3. pickle juice.

  4. A great way to get rid of anything in your system is to buy from I have used them in the past and the service is awesome. Family run operation that understands how you feel and how much privacy is a concern. Fantastic place, I can't say enough about it! They have home drug test kits too and they can ship overnight too!

  5. take the cranberry pills

  6. pectin dude! go get a packet of the pectin gel silver package mix it in a glass of oj and drink it works like a charm if you do it right and drink the whole thing! oh yea it tastes gross and is the texture of hair gel but its worth it!!!!! Good luck!

  7. No.  You need to drink distilled vinegar.  It changes the ph when you test.  And....don't keep relying on covering up what you could have avoided in the first place.  It will catch up with you.

  8. drink a S**t load of water and pickle juice and if u really need it out fast just put 2 drops of bleach in each gallon of water

  9. Sorry, dude, but all the magic elixirs and folk lore cures won't help.  The current tests are extremely sensitive -- and not only can they detect minute traces of THC, they also test for masking agents.

    Two things you can do-- starting the night before, carb load, and drink a lot of water.  THC is fat soluble, and when the fat is metabolized, the THC is released into your system.  Keeping a full belly for the 12 hours or so before the test limits the amount of fat your body is breaking down (which in turn reduces the amount of THC being released).  The morning of the test, take an antihistimine, and drink water like a fish all day, starting 4-6 hours before the test.  

    Hyper-hydrating will dilute your urine to the point that they can't get a good test.  That in itself won't save you, because they'll make you retest.  But that should buy you a couple weeks before you retest.  The antihistimine doesn't do anything - it's just your cover for drinking too much water.  If they ask why you were drinking so much water that day, tell them your allergies were bothering you, so you took a couple sudafed and they made you dehydrated.  The test will confirm the pseudoephedrine in your system.

    If you have a week or more notice before a test, you can improve your chances by going on a high-protein diet, exersising your a$$ off, and drinking lots of water.  This will burn fat, reducing the THC stored in your body.  Stop the high-protein diet and exerise two days before the test, and do the water and carb-loading thing starting the day before the test

    p.s.  doing something like drinking vinegar that puts your base numbers way out of norm is a red flag for the lab that you're trying to mask something, and the response is typically to run a more sensitive test.

  10. Green tea has anti-oxidants in it, but not nearly enough to mask the THC.

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