
Does green tea plus hoodia pills make you dizzy?

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I have been taking these green tea pills plus hoodia to become a little more healthier inside and for some reason they are making me dizzy. I got them from walmart and they come in a green labeled bottle. It really emphasizes on the "hoodia straight from africa" i was really excited about it now im not so sure. help?




  1. yea, and they also get me short on breathe too.  

  2. Actually, I am allergic to Ginseng. I will have a full blown allergy attack if I take ginseng. Watery eyes, runny nose, etc...

    Dizziness is a red flag. Stop taking it.  

  3. It sounds like it's likely an allergy because that is a very unusual reaction. That has nothing to do if there's Ginseng in it (because most people aren't allergic to Ginseng), but the other answerer has the right idea that it would be best to stop taking it. Good luck!

  4. Apparently "Hoodia" quells your hunger and also masks your need to drink water  ....  could it simply be that you are dehydrated??  Dehydration will produce dizzy spells ........  nothing replaces fresh filtered water, at least 2 - 3 litres daily you need.

    Some of the symptoms of dehydration are puffy bags under your eyes, dark circles under your eyes,dizzy spells and loss of balance, constant yawning, headaches and migraines and constipation and bloating, nausea and cramping and foggy thinking, irritability and moodiness..... :0)

    Are you sure you aren't just dehydrated buddy?? Expecting your digestive system to digest food and transport essential vitamins and nutrients with no water in your system is an extremely huge ask ............Water is imperative to life. Without water your body will have a terrible time breathing, digesting food, transporting nutrients, lubricating your joint sockets etc.etc.etc.etc......... nothing substitutes for water. your body needs at least 2 - 3 litres of water daily to function efficiently Geez, we need at least 2 litres daily just to maintain aspiration (to breathe)!! so drink up buddy ♥

    Increase your intake of fresh filtered water 20 minutes before or after meals so as to enhance digestion rather than interfere with it ............... if you drink fluids during your meals it will only serve to dilute your digestive juices and hinder digestion ♥

    also, try to cut back on drinks such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas and soft drinks (if you drink any of them) which will all do great job of dehydrating you. ie: just 1 can of soda or soft drink will make your body peesh out up to 12 cups of water !!! 1 cup of coffee will make your body peesh out about 2 cups of water ........... read the book by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.... "Your body's many cries for water"...... an astounding and scary and very true read.

    take care of you

    peace baby


  5. they propally  have ginseng in them,im allergic to ginseng,have had  bad reaction before,if i were you id  stop  taking them,

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