
Does greenhouse effect occur inside and outside the paradigm of prevailing belief?

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i need the answer plz




  1. As Joseph says, the only question we can ask ourselves is to which degree human intervention is a part of the global warming because it does exist as I can see, in the past 30 years, how it has shrunk the glacier, here in Norway, and how the bushes near my mountain cabin are now tall trees.

    Likewise, we can measure the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is then a no-brainer to thing that they are related. But we aren't sure to which degree and that, in itself, is already quite scary, don't you think?

  2. I'm not sure what you are trying to ask.  But, if you are asking if the greenhouse effect is real then the answer is yes.  The greenhouse effect is well documented and can be seen in extreme form on the planet Venus.

  3. Science and fact are unaffected by "prevailing belief". They are what they are.  The "Greenhouse Effect", or the gradual increase in Earth's average temperature due to increased CO2 levels in the upper atmosphere is a fact, regardless of anyone's 'beliefs'; the only debate is over whether mankind is significantly impacting the rate of that increase by burning fossil-fuels or not.

    It really doesn't matter, whether "we" did it or not, we're probably screwed.  Or at least our great-grandchildren will be...


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