
Does guilt ever go away?

by Guest33399  |  earlier

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is there anyway to repress it?




  1. Yes- Pray and ask for forgivness, it really works!

  2. Dear,

    Most important in the process of releasing your sense of guilt is to ask yourself these questions: What have I learnt from this experience? Can I pass on this lesson to others?

    The only one who can truly forgive you is yourself. Make sure that you learn and grow from whatever caused this sense of guilt. What ever happened, or whatever you did........make sure it did not happen for no reason... You can heal by turning this experience into a useful lesson.

  3. Depends what you did.

  4. someone said that "guilt is a pointless emotion"

    yet we have a conscience individual to ourselves..

    which tells us if we approve of what we have done or thought

    (regardless of parents, society or peer groups)

    the best way to deal with guilt is to let it be managable..

    in other words if the guilt is to the point of suffering then it has to be balanced...

    and another perspective is useful from someone else who is trustworthy/respected to give a good account...

    guilt is also part of the grief/loss cycle (eg. survivors guilt)

    and this takes time.....

    time heals all loss...

  5. Guilt for what?

    If you did something wrong, apologize to the people you wronged, and do what you can to undo or to make amends for it.

    Once you've made good, the guilt will begin to fade.

    If it's guilt over something you didn't do wrong, and it plagues you, seek professional help. You're unlikely to be able to resolve this by yourself.

    If you repress it, it will always be there to bite you in the hindquarters for the rest of your life.

    You need to deal with it, so you can move on.

    It's just not good to let something you could fix ruin the entire rest of your life.

  6. it depends on what you feel guilty about. If it was something that got someone serioulsy hurt, then I'm afraid that may never go away, but if it were a minor offence, then yes, it will gradually fade.

  7. Guilt can be lessened over time by facing the reasons why you feel guilty and forgiving yourself, and allowing yourself to be forgiven.

    Without facing what we have done, we will be damaged.

    You can't repress things and expect there to be no side-effects.  You will see that anger and regret take form in your life in a number of different ways.  People will look at you and think that you are intentionally sabatoging yourself.

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